Final Fantasy X-2

Recapper(s): Jeanne, Kelly, and Sam
Begun: 6.9.04
Latest: 7.17.05
Status: Active
See also: Final Fantasy X-2 cast


Final Fantasy X-2 is a very silly game created 100 percent for straight male fan service, but for all that, one that manages to be a much better game than it has any right to be. The game designers went out of their way to create many new models and redesigns, giving Spira a fresh face, as long as you are only looking at the three main characters, their many new outfits, and their three gay male counterparts, and not anyone or anything else in the game.

Recap terminology
Game term Recap term
Songstress Sphere outfits Britney Spira, Carly Rikku Jepsen, and k.d. paine
The Celsius El Celsioso
Awesome Sphere AWESOM-O Sphere
"Hurt" penis pump, buttplug, rim job, titty twister, pocket rocket, toss the salad, motorboat
Guadosalam Guadosodom
Machina devices beneath Bevelle Robot Goatse, Masturbating Machina Squid


  • Yuna/the Universe: This is the most important relationship in the game, because the plot basically doesn't function without the idea of everyone in Spira being in love with Yuna (except, notably, Beclem), either because she literally saved all of their lives, or because they are really into Mary Sues with exposed buttcheeks.
  • Yuna/Rikku/Paine: Obviously, this one is pretty important. Rikku has ostensibly always had a thing for her first cousin, but it took the addition to their team of butch lesbian Paine to really make her start acting on it. This game was created, by men, to put existing, beloved female characters in slutty outfits and situations in which they could make out, and in those respects it is a phenomenal success.
  • Gippal/Baralai: It would be more fitting to call this a gay male three-way to complement the lesbian three-way of YRP, but recapper consensus is that Nooj is gross and ruins the fun of hot Baralai and Gippal humping each other, so screw him.


  • All Talk: The Gullwings are supposedly sphere hunters, but they seem to spent the vast majority of their time doing anything but that.
  • Ambiguously Gay Trio: See above. Also not so ambiguous.
  • Use Your Imagination, Lazyass: Insanely lazy character modeling. Fat Wakka and Pregnant Lulu are neither fat, pregnant, nor fat with pregnancy. Nearly every location looks exactly the same, no matter how little sense it makes. And in the few instances things have changed, they often don't make sense (see: Calli sprouting like a big-titted weed in two years).
  • Mini-games of the Damned: Gunner's Gauntlet, Sphere Break, Thunder Plains penis lightning rod calibration...God, so many. Spirans are terrible people.
  • Mary Sue: Yuna is maybe the worst Mary Sue in the history of videogames. Everyone in the world loves her. She is a completely limp noodle, but we are told she is So Strong with such disingenuous regularity the writers must be trying to make it true just by saying it. She's such a special snowflake that they had to make an entirely new game with her as the lead instead of her horrible boyfriend, when she was already the most important character of that game in the first place.
  • Touch the Fucking Moogle: Obviously this is the namesake for this one. This game goes to extraordinary lengths to make getting the best ending the most luck-based, arbitrary, blood pressure-raising, years-off-your-life endeavor possible. Touch the moogle! Dig in the desert, but not too much too early! Screw up trying to catch a chocobo a few times! Navigate hundreds of conversational options with faceless random NPCs with no rhyme or reason! Be mean to Kimahri!
  • Laurel and Hardy: Not exactly the namesake for this, but the one where the nickname stuck. Logos and Ormi fit the archetype entirely too well (meaning they are probably screwing).
  • MacGuffins: The AWESOM-O Sphere, which has the two major sphere hunting factions salivating and fighting over it, puts the Gullwings in a position to piss off one or the other for life, and is under a ridiculous amount of security, has one short video that is almost entirely duplicated in purpose and content by another sphere a few hours later. AWESOM-O.