Grandia II

Recapper(s): Jeanne
Begun: 11.25.02
Latest: 1.10.08
Status: Active
See also: Grandia II cast


This is your pretty standard story about a sarcastic, sword-wielding hero and an obnoxious Mary Sue, with the requisite band of misfits to fill out the battle party. What sets this game apart, and not in a good way, is the horrible, horrible love story that involves a love triangle where the two ladies share the same body. There is nothing okay about this.

Recap terminology
Game term Recap term
Geohound Geodude
Save cone Gay cone
Rage meter Bitch-o-meter
Granacliffs Granasscrack
Skyway Skygay
Dinner conversations ChoadChat
Arum root Wombat penis
Festive, open-mouthed grin Homosexual Anime Grin (HAG)/Gay Anime Grin
Garden of Dreams Creepy-Ass Garden
Cathedral Knights Cockthedral Knights
Granasaber Granaschlong