Final Fantasy VI cast

Characters in each section are listed in order of recap appearance.

Main characters

Terra Branford

Ff6cast-terra.jpg Nickname(s): Twiggy
Age: 18
First Appearance: Part 1

Terra is what you'd call a Truly Unique Snowflake. The daughter of an Esper and a human, and the only person in the world able to use Magic naturally, Terra gets down on herself sometimes because she's so different from all her friends. And by "down on herself sometimes," I mean she's pretty much constantly depressed. Angst: so refreshing in an RPG.

Locke Cole

Ff6cast-locke.jpg Nickname(s): Winona Ryder
Age: 25
First Appearance: Part 1

Locke is a thief TREASURE HUNTER, and you'd think a spanking good one, the way he talks. Don't be fooled--he's as good at "hunting treasure" as Link is at having sex with women. For all intents and purposes Locke is our romantic male lead, with two different girls no less, but obviously no one told him or Edgar this. 'Cause they're doing it.

Edgar Roni Figaro

Ff6cast-edgar.jpg Nickname(s): none
Age: 27
First Appearance: Part 1

Edgar is the king of Figaro, which as far as I can tell is one castle and one town. Wow, way to expand your territory, there. Edgar is the prototypical "CHICKS CHICKS OH MY GOD I LOVE WOMEN" character, so obviously he's gayer than a float at the Rose Bowl. His special ability, Tools, includes a long and phallic Drill. You figure it out.

Sabin Rene Figaro

Ff6cast-sabin.jpg Nickname(s): Guile
Age: 27
First Appearance: Part 1

Poor Sabin. Even though he's one of the coolest characters in the game, he spends all of it being referred to as "Edgar's brother." I mean, he's done everything in his power to differentiate himself from Edgar, from running away from home and becoming a martial artist, to taking copious amounts of steroids, to giving himself a crew cut mullet. But no, still in Edgar's shadow! The injustice!


Ff6cast-shadow.jpg Nickname(s): Flaffy
Age: ?
First Appearance: Part 2

Shadow, dark and depressing ninja extraordinaire, constantly scours the globe for traces of his former partner. In crime. Although in this game, I'm not sure the distinction is necessary. Anyway, Shadow and his pet pooch, Interceptor, come and go as they please, searching for money or the opportunity to sleep it off in every Motel 6 in that land, whichever comes first. This particular ninja also wears all black to match his angst-infested soul. Aren't you glad you've got someone here to point out such latent symbolism?

Cyan Garamonde

Ff6cast-cyan.jpg Nickname(s): Kyan
Age: 50
First Appearance: Part 3

Poor Cyan. It seems like every RPG has to have a Job-like nice guy character who gets shit on over and over again, and in FFVI Cyan is that guy. In a matter of minutes he loses his liege lord, his kingdom, and his wife and son. Such loss would drive a normal man over the edge, but Cyan is no normal man. No, he is flamingly, amazingly gay, and loss instead drives him right out of the closet toward his dream man, one Sabin Rene Figaro. Elayne who?


Ff6cast-gau.jpg Nickname(s): none
Age: 13
First Appearance: Part 4

Gau is obnoxious. He’s a wild boy from the Veldt who attacks by copying different monster abilities, but it’s just not cool enough to make using him in battle worthwhile. Gau joins Sabin and Cyan on the Veldt and then spends the rest of the game just tagging along for the Airship rides.

Celes Chere

Ff6cast-celes.jpg Nickname(s): none
Age: 18
First Appearance: Part 5

A former Imperial general who turned her back on the Empire because they were mean and stuff. Despite her Mary Sue name, Mary Sue appearance, and Mary Sue background--seriously, an 18-year-old general?--Celes is remarkably level-headed and is a nice contrast to helpless sad sack Twiggy.

Other characters


Ff6cast-kefka.jpg Nickname(s): none
Age: ?
First Appearance: Part 1

Kefka is a crazy clown, and--SPOILER!!!--the main villain of the game. Yeah, there's some backstory about why he's insane, but all the game designers really need to impress upon you is that he is CRAZY. CRAAAAAZY. And even though he spends most of the game giggling like a braindead middle school girl, by the end of the game he will turn into a suicidal John Keats. Surprise!


Ff6cast-banon.jpg Nickname(s): The Sunflowardly Lion
Age: ?
First Appearance: Part 2

Banon is the "leader" of the Returners, in the sense that he gets everybody else to do everything else for him while he sits on his ass and bitches about being old or whatever. Oh, and if he dies in battle, it's Game Over. That's not a hindrance at all. Freaking Gary Stu.


Ff6cast-ultros.jpg Nickname(s): Urktros
Age: ?
First Appearance: Part 2

The requisite obnoxious boss who keeps showing up at unwanted times, but despite that, he still manages to be kinda funny. Only Ultros was doing it way before it was cool.

General Leo

Ff6cast-leo.jpg Nickname(s): none
Age: ?
First Appearance: Part 3

One of the chief officers of Gestahl's Eeeeeevil Empire, and apparently a guy who could be my friend, if he weren't my enemy. Well, I don't think he could be my friend, really. Friends don't hit friends with the Noble Soul on the Other Side of the Conflict Who Sacrifices Himself for the Greater Good Mallet.