Valkyrie Profile cast

Gods and Goddesses

Lenneth Valkyrie

Vpcast-lenneth.jpg Nickname(s): none
Age: ?
First Appearance: Part 1

Lenneth is a goddess of destiny and travels Midgard, looking for human souls to use in the war that will end the world: Ragnarok. She's also got some wicked cool silver hair and a frosty demeanor, and her swordplay brings all the boys to the yard. She also has a mysterious connection with Platina-- I wonder what it is?!?


Vpcast-frei.jpg Nickname(s): none
Age: ?
First Appearance: Part 1

Frei is basically the retarded doorwoman that nobody likes to hang out with but everybody's nice to her anyway because she's Freya's little sister. She thinks Valkyrie is all that and a bag of chips.


Vpcast-freya.jpg Nickname(s): none
Age: ?
First Appearance: Part 1

Freya is the goddess of creation and Odin's right-hand woman. She serves as Lenneth's liaison while Lenneth's out doing her thing in Midgard, and even accompanies Lenneth on her first mission. Isn't that nice of her?


Vpcast-odin.jpg Nickname(s): Lord Geezer
Age: ?
First Appearance: Part 1

Odin's kinda worried about the fact that the end of the world is rapidly approaching, but not enough to change out of his jammies. He's a resourceful leader and outsources all of his work to either Freya or Lenneth, so we really won't be seeing much of him in this game. Hey! All-powerful gods need their beauty sleep, too!



Vpcast-arngrim.jpg Nickname(s): Arnold
Age: 26
First Appearance: Part 1

Arngrim is a strong warrior who is chosen by Lenneth, despite the fact that he can never be sent to Asgard. And why is that? Well, nobody knows for sure, but it probably has something to do with the fact that he's a big grumpy muscle-head who doesn't like anybody.


Vpcast-lawfer.jpg Nickname(s): Heath
Age: 20
First Appearance: Part 1

Lawfer is an Artolian soldier who fought alongside Arngrim. They got along famously... so famously, in fact, that when Arngrim died, Lawfer couldn't bear life without him and killed himself. How passionate. He's also very righteous. All about justice and crap like that. He's basically got a one-way ticket to heaven coming his way, courtesy of Lenneth.


Vpcast-jelanda.jpg Nickname(s): none
Age: 14
First Appearance: Part 1

Jelanda is a spoiled princess -- literally -- but she's got bravery to spare, so when she dies trying to get revenge on Arngrim for embarrassing her father, the King, she becomes the first of Lenneth's Einherjar warriors.

Other characters


Vpcast-platina.jpg Nickname(s): none
Age: ~7
First Appearance: Part 1

Platina's had it rough, man. She's voiced by a positively repellant VA, her mom hates her and wants to sell her into slavery, her main squeeze entered sexual maturity waaaaay before she did, and then she died while prancing through a field of flowers. She's all about being reborn though. I wonder if that will happen sometime during this game?!?

Mother Laia

File:Vpcast-motherlaia.jpg Nickname(s): none
Age: ~45
First Appearance: Part 1

Laia is, surprisingly enough, Platina's mom. She's also a stone cold bitch. We're never exactly clear on any of her motives, but this much is obvious: she hates Platina, and she even wanted to sell her into slavery. She's also voiced by the Wicked Witch of the West, but due to mysterious falling real estate, I doubt we'll be seeing Laia again any time soon.

Young Lucian

Vpcast-younglucian.jpg Nickname(s): none
Age: ~8
First Appearance: Part 1

Lucian is voiced by Brock, of Pokémon fame, and as you might suspect, he's all about the ladies. He even helps Platina, his little girlfriend, escape from her evil mother's clutches in an attempt to win her heart, but then Platina went and died on him. Poor Lucian.


Vpcast-roland.jpg Nickname(s): none
Age: ~20
First Appearance: Part 1

Roland is a frail, sensitive boy, and he's also Arngrim's brother. He doesn't do much besides serve as Arngrim's foil and help expose his emotional weaknesses. We don't see much of him as the game progresses. Sad.


Vpcast-lombert.jpg Nickname(s): none
Age: ~55
First Appearance: Part 1

Lombert is a crotchety old spy who poses as a priest/advisor for the Artolian king, but he's actually a spy and a necromancer, to boot. When his plan to kidnap Jelanda goes awry, he turns her into a monster to cover his tracks. Then Lenneth kills him. Booya!