Final Fantasy IV cast

Major characters

Cecil Harvey

Ff4cast-cecil.jpg Nickname(s): Cecilia
Age: 20
First Appearance: Part 1

Cecil, or Cecilia, is the oh-so-moody hero of the game, who is constantly stalked by this game's compulsory whiny, weepy, wanksty Mary Sue, aka Rosa. We can gather from this that he's the blueprint for Squall. Unfortunately, he also undergoes the same character 'development' as Squall – in other words, he is brainwashed into becoming a simpering, lovey-dovey idiot.

Kain Highwind

Ff4cast-kain.jpg Nickname(s): The Big Blue Machine (TBBM)
Age: 21
First Appearance: Part 1

Kain is one of the few characters in this game who possess even a grain of coolness. Unfortunately for all of us, he's also the character that stays in the party for the least amount of time. Damn. Kain is Cecil/ia's best friend and loyal confidant. Hey, do you think that Kain will stay loyal to Cecil/ia throughout the course of the game? Here's a clue: N and O.

Rosa Joanna Farrell

Ff4cast-rosa.jpg Nickname(s): Rinosa
Age: 19
First Appearance: Part 1

Clingier than a barnacle, Rosa wishes she was permanently chained to Cecil/ia's hip. This, coupled with her weepy, attention-seeking personality is enough to make the average person burst a blood vessel with suppressed rage every time she so much as appears onscreen. Oh, and in case we dumb gamers couldn't guess that she is TEH G00D 4ND K1ND-H3ARTD, she is also a White Mage. Pass me a sick bag.

Cid Pollendina

Ff4cast-cid.jpg Nickname(s): none
Age: 54
First Appearance: Part 1

Cid is this game's resident Inventor Extraordinaire. Like all other Cids in the FF world, he's a grumpy but likable old man who likes airships. A lot. Oh, did I mention that he likes airships? He's a tad peeved that the King of Baron is using his precioussss creations in the name of war.


Ff4cast-rydia.jpg Nickname(s): Gyftyd
Age: 7
First Appearance: Part 2

Little Rydia plays the role of several 'tokens' in the game - she's the token lolicon girl, the requisite Child With Magic Powers (well, one of them at least) and the resident Character Whose Parent Dies Tragically. Oh, and said tragic incident renders her pyrophobic. Man, the poor kid's going to have issues when she's older.


Ff4cast-tellah.jpg Nickname(s): none
Age: 60
First Appearance: Part 2

Tellah is a soopah-powerful sage who joins the party en route to rescuing his precious daughter from a good-for-nothing bard. The potency of Tellah's magic powers is somewhat diluted by the fact that he only stays in the party, this time at least, for the duration of a single dungeon. There's always a catch, huh?


Ff4cast-edward.jpg Nickname(s): none
Age: 24
First Appearance: Part 2

A wandering, bard. Who is also a prince. That's pretty much it. The exceedingly manly Edward doesn't really do anything aside from sucking hard in battle (and out of it, allegedly). Gee, I can tell right now he's going to be a mainstay of my party!


Ff4cast-yang.jpg Nickname(s): Karate Man, KaMan
Age: 35
First Appearance: Part 3

Yang is a 'Karate Man' from the kingdom of Fabul, who, though initially reluctant to team up with Cecil(ia), fights alongside him in order to stop Golbez from making off with the Crystal of Air. Their efforts are futile, naturally.


Ff4cast-golbez.jpg Nickname(s): none
Age: 30
First Appearance: Part 3

This is the guy who's gathering all the Crystals for an as yet unknown, but undoubtedly dastardly, purpose. For a large chunk of the game he's presented as the Big Bad, but you just know they're gonna pull a Necron on us and introduce a new nemesis near the end of the game. I just hope whoever it is is more interesting than Mr. Magnolia here.

Other characters


Ff4cast-palom.jpg Nickname(s): Phil
Age: 6
First Appearance: Part 3

Palom is one half of the Magical Mysidian Power Twins, who accompany Cecil(ia) on his journey to Mt. Ordeals. He's the obnoxious one who uses Black magic and tries to annoy anyone he comes into contact with.


File:Ff4cast-parom.jpg Nickname(s): Lil
Age: 6
First Appearance: Part 3

Porom is the other half of the Magical Mysidian Power Twins, who accompany Cecil(ia) on his journey to Mt. Ordeals. She's the mature one who uses White magic and spends approximately 95% of her time either apologizing for her brother's behaviour or thwacking him upside the head.


Ff4cast-milon.jpg Nickname(s): none
Age: ?
First Appearance: Part 4

An instantly-forgettable villain who can apparently change the colour of his robes at will. That's actually the most interesting thing about him, so it's probably for the best that he isn't around for all that long.


Ff4cast-kainazzo.jpg Nickname(s): none
Age: ?
First Appearance: Part 4

Like Milon, Kainazzo is one of Golbez's pet villains and supposedly one of a foursome of super-powerful elemental fiends. He's only more memorable than his predecessor for the simple fact that he's responsible for my two favourite characters leaving the party. Dick.