Chrono Cross cast

Major characters


Cccast-serge.jpg Nickname(s): Cronabe
Age: 17
First Appearance: Part 1

The main character, who has the personality of a rock. He lives in a tropical village, but randomly ends up in another dimension, where his counterpart died ten years ago. Not that he has any sort of reaction to that news whatsoever.


Cccast-kid.jpg Nickname(s): Steve Irwin
Age: 16
First Appearance: Part 1

The main female character. As of this writing, not much is known about her except that she wears a skimpy outfit and likes to say "bugger" a lot.


Cccast-harle.jpg Nickname(s): none
Age: 18
First Appearance: Part 4

Lynx's "right hand harlequin." She wants Serge's sweet, sweet ass. She speaks in a French -- excuse me, Freedom -- accent.


Cccast-lynx.jpg Nickname(s): none
Age: ?
First Appearance: Part 4

The mysterious "guest from Porre" who seems to be responsible for a number of things, such as the hunt for Cronabe and the strange behavior of the dragoons. Kid seems to have a bit of a grudge against him as well, since she wants to kill him.

Other characters


Cccast-korcha.jpg Nickname(s): Speedo
Age: 16
First Appearance: Part 1

This creepy little guy with the speedo and bulging package appeared in the dream sequence at the beginning. That is, by random chance, he was the third character. Lucky me.


Cccast-serge.jpg Nickname(s): Gandy, the Gayest Dog Ever
Age: 17
First Appearance: Part 1

Poshul is quite possibly the gayest dog ever...except that she's female. A big pink poofy thing, Poshul is Serge's first companion in the game, as long as you find that random object which will recruit her. Get used to that sort of thing.


Cccast-serge.jpg Nickname(s): Beeyotch, Biotch
Age: 17
First Appearance: Part 1

Serge's childhood friend who has a big ol' crush on him and made a promise with him years ago. What's the promise, you ask? Oh, probably the same promise that RPG heroes make with their childhood sweethearts in every single game.


Cccast-serge.jpg Nickname(s): none
Age: 17
First Appearance: Part 2

He's a dragoon, but also seems to be somewhat of a pedophile. His outfit looks like something out of the disco rock star genre, but at least he has a giant axe.


Cccast-serge.jpg Nickname(s): none
Age: 17
First Appearance: Part 2

This is the scariest character design ever. It's a skull with clown make-up....and it talks. Cronabe must reassemble its body parts, and maybe then it will leave and scare me no more.


Cccast-serge.jpg Nickname(s): Exposition!Glenn
Age: 17
First Appearance: Part 2

Also a dragoon. He likes to give lots and lots of exposition, and sometimes he's so caught up in his exposition that he doesn't notice a bunch of random strangers (read: Cronabe and party) standing there staring at him.


Cccast-serge.jpg Nickname(s): none
Age: 17
First Appearance: Part 2

She used to get it on with Glenn's brother Dario, but he died. Now she just visits his grave and goes off on philosophical tangents. I think her dad is Lord Viper, but we haven't found that out officially.


Cccast-serge.jpg Nickname(s): none
Age: 17
First Appearance: Part 2

He's a blacksmith who takes his work just a tad too seriously. If anyone bothers him, he gets pissy, and has to start over. I don't think I would ask him to make a sword for me or I'd have to wait years to get the damn thing.


Cccast-serge.jpg Nickname(s): none
Age: 17
First Appearance: Part 2

A very scary, effeminate man. I don't know much about him at this point, and I'd like to keep it that way.


Cccast-serge.jpg Nickname(s): none
Age: 17
First Appearance: Part 3

She's a dancer and her arms jiggle a lot. Yeah....her arms.


Cccast-serge.jpg Nickname(s): Frank N. Furter
Age: 17
First Appearance: Part 3

He's just a sweet transvestite who also happens to be a rock star. For some reason no one in the party ever wants to hear his rockin' tunes. I wonder why?


Cccast-serge.jpg Nickname(s): ZOAH
Age: 17
First Appearance: Part 3

Zoah hangs out on a lot of internet message boards. We know this because he speaks in ALL CAPS ALL THE TIME. He's one of the 4 Devas of the Acacia Dragoons. I wonder if the next one we meet will be a guy who speaks in all lowercase without any punctuation. Or, God forbid, 13375P34K Man.


Cccast-serge.jpg Nickname(s): none
Age: 17
First Appearance: Part 4

A strange, purple-haired scientist who lives in Viper Manor. She likes to experiment on creatures, including Serge.


Cccast-serge.jpg Nickname(s): none
Age: 17
First Appearance: Part 4

A gay Pokemon-looking thing that lives in a cage in Luccia's lab. Serge sets him free, and I'm sure this comes into play later in the game. I sure hope I get that wussy-looking thing on my team, hoo boy.


Cccast-serge.jpg Nickname(s): none
Age: 17
First Appearance: Part 4

The obligatory little kid that can kick your ass. She's one of the -- surprise! (except not) -- four Dragoon Devas.

General Viper

Cccast-serge.jpg Nickname(s): none
Age: 17
First Appearance: Part 4

The leader of the Acacia Dragoons who lives in (duh) Viper Manor. He appears to have some sort of alliance with Lynx, although we don't yet know what exactly is going on. I know, that's such a shock in this game.


Cccast-macha.jpg Nickname(s): Meedo
Age: 38
First Appearance: Part 5

Speedo's overbearing mom. She sports purple hair and pink lipstick, as well as a muumuu. She yells at Speedo a lot, which is good. However, she also spends an inordinate amount of time stating the obvious and generally being a busybody. And that's bad.


Cccast-doc.jpg Nickname(s): none
Age: 27
First Appearance: Part 5

The only guy in Guldove who knows anything about herbs, so by default, that makes him the doctor. But that's like making Wakka the village doctor, if you follow me. In spite of such a prestigious job and a neverending supply of happy drugs, this guy is a gigantic whiny wankster.


Cccast-orlha.jpg Nickname(s): none
Age: 23
First Appearance: Part 5

The bartender in Guldove. We don't know much about her beyond the fact that she manages to keep herself from throttling the weepy Doc. However, she has a status portrait, so she is Important.


Cccast-serge.jpg Nickname(s): Diarrhea
Age: 17
First Appearance: Part 5

She's the village chief of Guldove, as well as a host of other titles. Just your average, mystical, over-expositing shaman.


Cccast-steena.jpg Nickname(s): none
Age: 27
First Appearance: Part 5

Direa's "assisstant," who likes tight, revealing outfits. She knows everything about everything, and what she doesn't know, she'll pull out of her ass. We all know people like this.


Cccast-serge.jpg Nickname(s): Jesus
Age: 17
First Appearance: Part 5

A freaking straw doll with a crown of candles and a giant spike through his chest. Really, what more can I add to that?


Cccast-greco.jpg Nickname(s): El Asso Wipo
Age: 33
First Appearance: Part 5

A professional wrestler/priest. He spouts pseudointellectual pretentious garbage like he's getting paid for it. But his stats don't totally suck, so I guess he can join my party.


Cccast-radius.jpg Nickname(s): none
Age: 62
First Appearance: Part 5

In the other world, he's an asskickin' ex-dragoon. In Cronabe's world, he's the village chief. Either way, he likes hanging out with young men and teaching them things. Yeah.


Cccast-serge.jpg Nickname(s): none
Age: 17
First Appearance: Part 6

It's...a humanoid flower. Created by Luccia the Mad Scientist, of course. It's not really that odd when compared with characters such as a clown skeleton or a talking scarecrow, but still.


Cccast-serge.jpg Nickname(s): Fargay
Age: 17
First Appearance: Part 6

He's the gay pirate captain on the S.S. Invincible. After a fallout with his former lover Lynx, he had to lay low and dress up the Invincible as a ghost ship. He likes capturing young men and throwing them in the hold. I can see why he and Lynx had relationship problems.


Cccast-serge.jpg Nickname(s): Dobby
Age: 17
First Appearance: Part 8

Sprigg lives inside a crack-inspired painting and looks like an orc mated with Dobby the house elf. All we know about her at this point is that like 90% of the game's cast, she enjoys spouting nonsensical bullshit in a random accent. Yeah, she won't be in my party any longer than necessary.


Cccast-van.jpg Nickname(s): none
Age: 14
First Appearance: Part 9

In the Other World, where we first meet him, he's a spoiled rich kid who only wants to paint. But his dad is a big meanie who only cares about money and wants him to follow a more lucrative life path. In the Home World, where he joins the party, he's good with money unlike his artistic father, and joins the party hoping to earn enough money to pay off his dad's debt. Oh, the angst.


Cccast-serge.jpg Nickname(s): none
Age: 17
First Appearance: Part 9

In the Other World, he's a money-loving bastard who doesn't understand the artsy dreams of his son. In the Home World, he's a wanky artist who laments the inability of others to appreciate his artistic vision. I'm not sure which of these two douchenozzles is worse. Good lord.