Final Fantasy IX cast

Major characters

Garnet Til Alexandros XVII

Ff9cast-garnet.jpg Nickname(s): Garnoa
Age: 16
First Appearance: Part 1

The main female character who is, surprisingly, a princess. She looks like Rinoa, but has managed not to throw herself at Zidane thus far.

Zidane Tribal

Ff9cast-zidane.jpg Nickname(s): none
Age: 16
First Appearance: Part 1

He's the main character, he's a thief, and he has a tail. The tail was added for two reasons: to give him non-human characteristics so as to distance FFIX from FFVIII, and also to differentiate him from Locke (FFVI). He's not a butthole like the other PSX FF heroes.

Vivi Ornitier

Ff9cast-vivi.jpg Nickname(s): PUGGY!!
Age: 6 months (9 years in appearance)
First Appearance: Part 1

A young black mage from Final Fantasy I. He can do fire spells. That's all we know thus far.

Adelbert Steiner

Ff9cast-steiner.jpg Nickname(s): Adelbert
Age: 33
First Appearance: Part 1

The Captain of the Pluto Knights. He's the bumbling comic relief guy who takes his duty to the Princess way too seriously. He ends up tagging along when Tantalus "kidnaps" the Princess, and chances are, he'll turn into a lovable good guy by the end of the game.

Freya Crescent

Ff9cast-freya.jpg Nickname(s): none
Age: 21
First Appearance: Part 4

A giant rat person who dresses like a red mage. She knows Zidane from somewhere. She is undoubtedly a better fighter than Garnoa, though that's not saying much.

Quina Quen

Ff9cast-quina.jpg Nickname(s): none
Age: 89
First Appearance: Part 6

Ah, Quina, the "is he or isn't she" character of the game. Fact is, nobody really knows if Quina's a boy or a girl, not even the game designers. Still s/he's mighty powerfully equipped with a steel spork and a hunger for baddies you might meet on the way. No, not that kind of hunger, the other kind, like with your stomach. Geez you guys.

Other characters


Ff9cast-marcus.jpg Nickname(s): none
Age: ?
First Appearance: Part 1

One of the members of Tantalus, the infamous band of thieves/famous theater troupe. He must have slept with the director, because he ended up with the lead in "I Want to Be Your Canary."


Ff9cast-cinna.jpg Nickname(s): none
Age: ?
First Appearance: Part 1

Another member of Tantalus. In the first couple of battles, he got his ass kicked. My suggestion is for him to at least put on a shirt for better protection.


Ff9cast-blank.jpg Nickname(s): none
Age: ?
First Appearance: Part 1

And yet another member of Tantalus. The only thing I know about him so far is that he hates oglops. I don't even know what oglops are, so we're back to square one.


Ff9cast-baku.jpg Nickname(s): Baka
Age: 45
First Appearance: Part 1

The leader of Tantalus. He likes to dress up in a dragon suit and kick the other Tantalus members' asses, and he's also the only one who knows how to put on a costume and play a character in a play who does not have the same name as him.

Queen Brahne Raza Alexandros XVI

Ff9cast-brahne.jpg Nickname(s): none
Age: 30
First Appearance: Part 1

The big joke is that she's fat and ugly. Get it? AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! Oh wait, it's not that funny. She's the Queen of Alexandria, the mother of Princess Garnet, and because she's a ruling monarch in an RPG, her behavior has recently become very strange.


Ff9cast-zorn.jpg Nickname(s): none
Age: 90
First Appearance: Part 1

One of Brahne's creepy-looking jesters, he fulfills half the role of "evil comic-relief duo". He's the one that talks correctly.


Ff9cast-thorn.jpg Nickname(s): none
Age: 90
First Appearance: Part 1

The other half of the "evil comic-relief duo". He inverts the subject and predicate of his sentences when he speaks. Or something like that. God dang, I haven't taken English since college. Leave me alone.


Ff9cast-beatrix.jpg Nickname(s): none
Age: 28
First Appearance: Part 1

She's a General...of the Alexandrian army, I guess. She and Steiner have some sort of rivalry going. That means they're going to end up together.

Cid Fabool IX

Ff9cast-baku.jpg Nickname(s): none
Age: 36
First Appearance: Part 4

This particular Cid is the regent of Lindblum. He actually got some chick who is not his wife to do it with him, so his wife turned him into an oglop. Serves him right.