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Revision as of 01:41, 12 August 2012

Characters in each section are listed in order of recap appearance.

Main characters


Lunarssscast-alex.jpg Nickname(s): none
First Appearance: Part 1

Our mild-mannered, green-eyed protagonist. Alex, even given his tendency for necrophilia/hero-worship, may seem normal to you or me, but according to everyone in the world of Lunar, his eye color dictates that he will grow to be something really special. In these instances, it's best to believe what the NPCs tell us.


Lunarssscast-nall.jpg Nickname(s): Squeak
First Appearance: Part 1

Nall is Alex's furry white sidekick. He's also a wise-ass, and we've never seen a Game Arts mascot with THAT sort of attitude before. Everyone thinks Nall is a flying cat, which he isn't, but this opinion is reinforced by his love of fish. And his constant jabbering about his love of fish. He likes fish! GET IT?!


Lunarssscast-luna.jpg Nickname(s): Gams
First Appearance: Part 1

Luna is the Total Package: hot, virginal body, soft blue hair, and of course a beautiful singing voice. Luna has a great destiny she's unaware of; if you're guessing it means she'll become super-powerful and the center of the story, you're guessing correctly. Who'da thunk it?


Lunarssscast-nash.jpg Nickname(s): none
First Appearance: Part 2

Nash is, as he'll often mention, a third-rank apprentice to Ghaleon in the Magic City of Vane. He's extremely arrogant and in love with a woman he'll ostensibly never have. It's okay, because his heroic ripping of Nall and Ramus makes me more than willing to take him in.

Mia Ausa

Lunarssscast-mia.jpg Nickname(s): none
First Appearance: Part 4

Where Luna is the game's "classic" Mary Sue, if you will, Mia is the sweet, submissive and quiet variation on the creature. As future leader of the Magic Guild, Mia has a lot of pressure to be wise and perfect. But for some reason, this leads her to get with Nash. Lack of judgment, or just desperate? Your call.


Lunarssscast-kyle.jpg Nickname(s): none
First Appearance: Part 5

Kyle of Nanza is a totally non-stereotypical character who is a bandit and technically a criminal, but he's really a sweet guy with a heart of gold who steals from the rich and gives to the poor and kisses babies. He and Jessica constantly fight, but it's just a big cover for their torrid, non-parentally-approved love affair. She's a nobleman's daughter and he's from the wrong side of the tracks! So very, very original.

Jessica de Alkirk

Lunarssscast-jessica.jpg Nickname(s): none
First Appearance: Part 5

Jessica is Crazy Mel's daughter and is "studying" to be a priestess at Althena's Shrine. What she's actually doing is skivving off to make out with Kyle and have adventures, but Mel thinks she's a perfect, angelic nun, just like her mother was. Jessica lives in constant fear that her dad will find her out and be all disappointed, not realizing that her daddy wuvs her juuuuuuuust the way she is. Even if she is a slut.

Other characters


Lunarssscast-ramus.jpg Nickname(s): Ram-It
First Appearance: Part 1

Ramus is the official comic relief character, as if this game didn't have enough comic relief. He's fat, greedy, cowardly, and out to prove his worth to his father. I give that routine about two minutes before it becomes annoying.


Lunarssscast-quark.jpg Nickname(s): none
First Appearance: Part 1

The White Dragon of Althena, and leader of the Four Dragons. Quark lives in a cave near Burg, which is highly convenient, since Alex barely has to leave his backyard to pass his Dragon Trial. His hobbies include foreshadowing and shitting out diamonds.


Lunarssscast-laike.jpg Nickname(s): none
First Appearance: Part 2

Laike is this game's Wise Elder Warrior who gives Alex the perspective, experience and mentorship necessary to become the Dragonmastah. As such most of the more youthful characters call him "old man." Poor old Laike, being over 30 must SUCK.

"Hell" Mel de Alkirk

Lunarssscast-mel.jpg Nickname(s): none
First Appearance: Part 3

Mel is one packed character: formerly one of the Four Heroes, Mel is a reformed butt pirate, and current governor of Meribia. More important to the plot, he's the father of one of the main characters, which means his living, breathing days are seriously numbered.


Lunarssscast-royce.jpg Nickname(s): none
First Appearance: Part 3

Royce starts out as a skanky fortuneteller, but eventually reveals herself to be a skanky fortuneteller...WORKING FOR EVIL!!! The difference is that as the latter she wears much more revealing clothing, including tiny pasties on her boobages.


Lunarssscast-phacia.jpg Nickname(s): Fellatio
First Appearance: Part 4

Phacia is a good-looking woman in charge of a bunch of other good-looking women at Althena's Shrine. At least, that's what she says. She has the worst voice actress in this game, bar none, so it's a good thing they gave that lady a minor character and not, say, Luna. Whew.


Lunarssscast-ghaleon.jpg Nickname(s): none
First Appearance: Part 4

Ghaleon is a very nice man who helps Lemia Ausa run the Magic Guild. When Alex and Pals meet him, they see right away that he is as gentle as a lamb and would never, ever harm a living soul. Designs on dominating the planet and kidnapping the Mary Sue? Not this guy!

Lemia Ausa

Lunarssscast-lemia.jpg Nickname(s): none
First Appearance: Part 6

Lemia, like Mel, has a lot on her plate: she is the last of the famous Four Heroes of the olden times, the mother of one of the youthful (and therefore more interesting) main characters, and the head of Vane's Magic Guild. Alex finds, when he comes to Vane, that Lemia has been acting strangely as of late. WHAT COULD BE WRONG WITH HER?


Lunarssscast-xenobia.jpg Nickname(s): Xeboobia
First Appearance: Part 6

As it turns out, what's wrong with Lemia is that she's not Lemia at all--she's Xenobia, the leader of the Vile Tribe and out-and-out hawt babe. Way hotter than Lemia, anyway. After Xenobia sheds her prudish, wrinkly disguise, she spends most of the game being a bitch to Alex and to Jessica, obsessing about her depressingly one-sided relationship with Ghaleon (spoiler!), and keeping her bikini line waxed.