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Recap by Sam. Completed 2.17.12.


Major Characters

For the complete Xenosaga cast, see Xenosaga cast.

Shion Uzuki

Nickname(s): none
Age: 22
First Appearance: Part 1

Shion is an engineer working for Vector Industries. Her big project is KOS-MOS, a busty robot chick designed to kill shit. Despite outward appearances of being brainy (the glasses), Shion is without question the dumbest person in the party at any given time. Her boyfriend is dead, so she pours all her emotion (and God knows what else) into KOS-MOS. By all rights she should have died due to her own incompetence years ago.


Nickname(s): none
Age: 18 (in appearance)
First Appearance: Part 1

KOS-MOS is a big acronym that basically amounts to "buxom android babe that kicks ass and takes names." She isn't programmed to be emotional or conscientious, but Shion pretends that this is somehow KOS-MOS's fault, rather than her own. Whatever. On occasion her eyes become blue, which means that She Is Speshul.


Nickname(s): CHAOS!!!, The Wang
Age: 16 (in appearance)
First Appearance: Part 4

What can I say about chaos? No, really, what can I say? I would like to mention his completely contrived mystique and creepy voice and almost condescending kindness, but when I see his Polish sausage of a wang snug inside his short-shorts, every other thought in my head screams horribly and dies. That said: BLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAARRRRRGGGGGH.

Ziggurat 8 (Ziggy)

Nickname(s): none
Age: 30 (in appearance)
First Appearance: Part 5

Former human cop, current Robocop. Ziggy did what most folks do when they get their driver's license--he agreed to be an organ donor. But instead of giving his liver to an alcoholic after he offed himself, they reanimated him and gave him metal buttcheeks! He'd sue, but they took his human rights as well as his dignity.


Nickname(s): none
Age: 12 (in appearance)
First Appearance: Part 5

"Momo" is a Japanese word that means "peach." If you forget this detail, don't worry--there might be one or two references to it in the game. But to confuse matters, MOMO the Realian was created in the image of Joachim Mizrahi's dead daughter, who was named Sakura. "Sakura" means "cherry blossom." Beats me. At any rate, MOMO is a busy girl--she gets work as a plot device, a piece of morally reprehensible fan service, AND a Mary Sue.

Gaignun Kukai, Jr.

Nickname(s): Jailbait
Age: 26 (12 in appearance)
First Appearance: Part 8

Jr. is your typical tiny-wanged male obsessed with guns, large spaceships and boooooooobs. He's a fully adult male stuck in a 12-year-old boy's body because he pulled some unspecified magic mumbo-jumbo bullshit and made himself that way. Being around Gaignun or Albedo makes him feel very tiny, but those bitches don't have the Durandal.