Difference between revisions of "Suikoden III cast"

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|[[X Star|X]]
|[[Chisou Star (A)|Chisou]]
|'''First Appearance:'''
|'''First Appearance:'''
|Part 1
|Part 8
Another name-drop recruit: Shizu is the young, nubile assistant of Adlai, one of three guys in the series to "invent" the elevator. And there I have to give Shizu credit: she's the only elevator person in the series thus far who doesn't claim to have invented the thing. But maybe that's because she's just a dumb girl, hee!
==== Ayame ====
==== Ayame ====

Revision as of 00:10, 14 August 2012

Characters in each section are listed in order of recap appearance.

Major characters


Suiko3cast-hugo.jpg Nickname(s): none
Star: Tensyo
Age: 15
First Appearance: Part 1

A happy-go-lucky lad of the Karaya Clan. He has really horrifying taste in friends, but we can forgive that due to his hilariously flamboyant clothing, his cool griffon and his hot mom. He's always out on quests and expeditions--hmm, I wonder if his sense of adventure will be fulfilled at some later point. Nah, couldn't be.

Sergeant Joe

Suiko3cast-sergeantjoe.jpg Nickname(s): Sarge, Duckman
Star: Tenko
Age: 29
First Appearance: Part 1

The one source of military power of the Duck Clan and Hugo's right-hand...er...duck. As if his appearance weren't enough of a reminder, he constantly says "Quack" just to make sure we're aware that HE'S A GODDAMN DUCK. He exists to keep his young'un charges in their places. Like they'd listen to a guy that keeps quacking.


Suiko3cast-fubar.jpg Nickname(s): Fubie
Star: Tenku
Age: 15
First Appearance: Part 1

Hugo's loyal griffin. His name apparently stands for "fucked up beyond all repair," which pisses off fanboys for no apparent reason. I just think it makes him cooler. Fubar's also easily the strongest member of Hugo's main party, which means I'll often be deprived of his services when I need him most. I hate you, game designers.

Chris Lightfellow

Suiko3cast-chris.jpg Nickname(s): Chris the Ice Queen
Star: Tenbi
Age: 22
First Appearance: Part 1

The Captain of the Knights of Zexen, also known as the "Silver Maiden." Or the "White Maiden." Or something. All the people and her fellow knights love her to pieces and revere her as a hero, for no apparent reason. She's kind of an icy bitch, and I suppose I would be too, if I had several hot knights pining for me. Or not.

Louis Keeferson

Suiko3cast-louis.jpg Nickname(s): Boy
Star: Chisyu
Age: 15
First Appearance: Part 1

Louis is Chris' servant boy. Apparently he's a knight's apprentice, and in training to be a knight because of his famous knight father (whoever that is), but I was under the impression that knights-in-training got to train in FIGHTING, not making tea. Poor kid.

Salome Harras

Suiko3cast-salome.jpg Nickname(s): Tootie
Star: Tenki
Age: 32
First Appearance: Part 1

Another of the Six Knights, Salome acts as the Zexen Knights' strategist. Meaning he gets to do a lot of talking in "important scenes" and is essentially worthless in battle. Not that I'd expect a guy with that mushroom cut to be a good fighter.


Suiko3cast-geddoe.jpg Nickname(s): Geddy
Star: Tenjyu
Age: ?
First Appearance: Part 1

He's the strong-and-silent badass type, and no one knows very much about him, except he's a mercenary and that he probably needs to shower more often. He may or may not have a hideous scar under his eyepatch.


Suiko3cast-aila.jpg Nickname(s): none
Star: Teni
Age: 16
First Appearance: Part 1

A Karayan girl about Hugo's age who's very much into the "bloodthirsty" aspect of being in the Karaya Clan. She's constantly seen checking out new weapons and babbling about "Karayan warrior honor" and the like. She's an honorable warrior, even though she's female! Get it?!


Suiko3cast-jimba.jpg Nickname(s): none
Star: Tenfu
Age: ?
First Appearance: Part 1

Luce's other "son," despite the fact that he looks way too old to be any offspring of hers and he looks nothing like her or Lulu. Jimba has a mysterious past and has something to do with the Lightfellow family. Try to look surprised when you find out what it is.

Roland Lesaurus

Suiko3cast-roland.jpg Nickname(s): none
Star: Chiin
Age: 26
First Appearance: Part 1

One of the Six Knights of Zexen and the game's resident snotty elf asshole. He's quite possibly the only member of Chris' posse who isn't hot for her. I don't think that's any fault of Chris', if you follow me.

Leo Gallen

Suiko3cast-leo.jpg Nickname(s): Bubba
Star: Chisyu
Age: 37
First Appearance: Part 3

Another of Chris' famous Six Knights of Zexen. Leo is the muscle of the group, which is conveyed by his giant axe, his gruff attitude, and his utter lack of prettiness. But he's really a big softie on the inside, like all ugly, mean people. Or something. Also, he has a thing for Chris. I know, so shocking, isn't it?

Percival Fraulein

Suiko3cast-percival.jpg Nickname(s): Percy
Star: Chiki
Age: 26
First Appearance: Part 3

Yet another of the Six Knights of Zexen. Percy is the prettyboy in a group chock full of prettyboys, and he knows it. Despite his looks, he's also the down-to-earth knight, from a humble farming village background. And--you guessed it--he's in love with Chris. Poor bastard's got a lot of competition.

Borus Redrum

Suiko3cast-borus.jpg Nickname(s): none
Star: Chimou
Age: 25
First Appearance: Part 3

One more famous Knight of Zexen, this one is the real Swordsman of Wank/Rage. Borus has a hot temper and a lot of pent-up anger, which he shows by repeatedly punching walls. It's possible that most of his pent-up anger stems from getting rejected by Chris.


Suiko3cast-ace.jpg Nickname(s): none
Star: Tenhei
Age: 35
First Appearance: Part 5

The financial guru of the 12th Unit, Ace spends most of his time bitching at his colleagues because of their booze expenditures. But he himself spends money on women. He likes chicks. A lot. CHICKS CHICKS CHICKS CHICKS CHICKS. CHICKS!!!


Suiko3cast-queen.jpg Nickname(s): none
Star: Tenson
Age: 31
First Appearance: Part 5

The one female member of Geddoe's 12th Unit. She keeps up the collective cool cred of the women of Suikoden III by being intelligent, competent and fierce in battle. Then again, she's very threatened by chicks with bigger boobs than her. She should get over that.


Suiko3cast-joker.jpg Nickname(s): none
Star: Chitai
Age: 46
First Appearance: Part 5

Joker is the mage of the 12th Unit, at least until Geddoe shows off his spoilery runic powers. He's also the "old man" of the group, and I'd say he's actually old for a change, but I think my mom would kill me for calling 46 "old."


Suiko3cast-jacques.jpg Nickname(s): none
Star: Chisin
Age: 22
First Appearance: Part 5

Guess what, it's one more member of the 12th Unit. Jacques is a mysterious fellow, partly because he's always disappearing and doesn't talk much, partly because he actually likes Aila, and partly because he manages to stash a crossbow bigger than his whole body in his anal cavity. Ow.


Suiko3cast-sarah.jpg Nickname(s): Whitney
Star: Chizen
Age: 19
First Appearance: Part 5

It's a good thing all the other chicks in this game are cool and interesting, because Sarah alone tips the scales back the other way. She's beautiful, mysterious, soopah-powerful, and above all, a spineless wimp. And a servant girl for three men. Do I have to say it? Okay: MARY SUE!!!


Suiko3cast-cecile.jpg Nickname(s): Samwise Gamgee
Star: Tentai
Age: 13
First Appearance: Part 6

Cecile is the captain of the castle guard at Lake Castle. The place must really be dirt poor, because the captain can't even get full armor, and has to galavant around in a plaid skirt and kneesocks with her metal breastplate. In her shoes, I'd be circulating my resume around the area, but Cecile isn't bitter and unfulfilled like me. Probably a good thing.


Suiko3cast-thomas.jpg Nickname(s): Frodo Baggins
Star: Tenkai
Age: 16
First Appearance: Part 6

Thomas, given that he is the Tenkai Star, is arguably the true hero of this story. Not that the heroes of Suikoden have ever been beacons of masculinity, but that's pretty laughable. Unless he's going to be charged with a quest to throw the One Ring into the fires of Mount Doom, I can't see meek little Thomas doing anything that would make anyone cry out, "Hail, Sir Thomas, Hero of the Grasslands!" Seriously. The guy wears flood pants and knee socks.

The Flame Champion

Suiko3cast-isaac.jpg Nickname(s): none
Star: none
Age: ?
First Appearance: Part 1

Nash Clovis

Suiko3cast-nash.jpg Nickname(s): none
Star: X
Age: ?
First Appearance: Part 1

Stars of Destiny


Suiko3cast-lucia.jpg Nickname(s): none
Star: Teni
Age: 37
First Appearance: Part 1

In the 15 years since Suikoden II, Lucia has taken over leadership of the Karaya Clan and had a son. Oh yeah, and she's no longer a psycho. She enjoys giving Hugo lots of hugs in public and embarrassing him as much as possible. Mothers.


Suiko3cast-anne.jpg Nickname(s): none
Star: Chisou
Age: 27
First Appearance: Part 1

An extremely vapid-looking Karayan woman who wants to open her own inn and bar. Gee, maybe Hugo can help her find a place to start her business! Wouldn't that be an amazing coincidence?


Suiko3cast-beecham.jpg Nickname(s): none
Star: Chiziku
Age: 42
First Appearance: Part 1

Some of you may remember Lucia's passing reference to someone named "Beechum" in Suikoden II. Well, he apparently changed the spelling of his name since we heard of him last. And if you were expecting him to be important, don't be too disappointed, because...he isn't. At all. He's just this guy, you know?


Suiko3cast-luce.jpg Nickname(s): none
Star: Chiin
Age: 46
First Appearance: Part 1

Lulu's mom. That fact alone makes me resent her existence. Fortunately, she makes it her business to constantly rag on him and embarrass him, almost--but not quite--making up for her bringing him into the world in the first place. To add insult to injury, she has a mustache.


Suiko3cast-fred.jpg Nickname(s): none
Star: Chii
Age: 23
First Appearance: Part 1

His grandfather Max somehow convinced him to take on his old gig, so now Fred wanders the lands as a Maximillian Knight, smiting evil (not really) and generally being a dickhead to everyone he meets. How endearing.


Suiko3cast-rico.jpg Nickname(s): none
Star: Chiei
Age: 14
First Appearance: Part 1

Max had Sancho, thus Fred must have Rico. Despite Fred's many glaring personality flaws, Rico worships the ground he walks on. She's probably in love with him on some level. God help her.


Suiko3cast-guillaume.jpg Nickname(s): Guillaume the Pedophile
Star: Chizoku
Age: 45
First Appearance: Part 2

Let's not mince words--this guy likes children. I mean, really likes them. Konami simply abandoned all pretense and decided he should chase little girls and try to poke their behinds with a spear. ...Yeah, exactly.


Suiko3cast-melville.jpg Nickname(s): Bizarro Tidus, Sudit
Star: Tenken
Age: 12
First Appearance: Part 2

The Swordsman of Rage of the Saint Loa Knights, Melville is the super-serious kid, the one with something to prove. Unfortunately, that something is "my dad rules," and he "proves" it by constantly talking about the guy, so needless to say he's a smidgen irritating.


Suiko3cast-alanis.jpg Nickname(s): none
Star: Tenzai
Age: 12
First Appearance: Part 2

The Silver Maiden of the Saint Loa Knights. Alanis has always had trouble making friends due to her father's business travel, but she finally found two best friends in Melville and Elliot. I wonder if she's just not aware that she can do better.


Suiko3cast-elliot.jpg Nickname(s): Ralphie
Star: Tenpai
Age: 12
First Appearance: Part 2

Elliot is the Swordsman of Wind of the, you guessed it, Saint Loa Knights. His worth to the group is...being able to smell stuff. Wow, how did the Saint Loa Knights ever get along without him?


Suiko3cast-dupa.jpg Nickname(s): Well Endowed Dupa
Star: Tenyu
Age: 35
First Appearance: Part 4

Dupa starts out as one of the most respected fighters in the Lizard Clan, but due to tragedy and all that he becomes the new Chief. He's supposed to be fearsome and intimidating, but he wears a pink headdress. Fortunately, he still has a gigantic...tail.


Suiko3cast-shiba.jpg Nickname(s): none
Star: Tenmou
Age: 27
First Appearance: Part 5

Another Lizard that's packin' heat between his legs. Shiba shows Geddoe around the Aptly-Named Great Hollow, before fading into obscurity as One of Those Lizards That's Not Dupa. He also wears a white man-dress.


Suiko3cast-martha.jpg Nickname(s): none
Star: Chizen
Age: 65
First Appearance: Part 6

Martha is the withered hag who runs the lottery ticket booth at Thomas's castle. Though I have won many zillions of potch from her, I still think she's a nasty old battleaxe and I make sure to shoot her dirty looks through the TV screen whenever possible. For what it's worth, she probably wouldn't like me, either.


Suiko3cast-piccolo.jpg Nickname(s): none
Star: Chiken
Age: 62
First Appearance: Part 6

Piccolo is the castle's categorically useless fortune teller. He makes up for it by being a decent mage, but counteracts that by having the lamest non-removable rune in the entire game. Just to get back to even on the scale of worthfulness, he needs to have naked ladies in his tent at all times.


Suiko3cast-mike.jpg Nickname(s): none
Star: Chisu
Age: 26
First Appearance: Part 6

The good news: Mike is not Tai Ho. The further good news: Tai Ho is not in this game. The bad news: while Mike's Kabu is not on an equal level of mind-blowing pain as The Game That Shall Not Be Named, it still makes me pull chunks of hair out of my scalp as I watch Mike shamelessly cheat his way into Geddoe's pocketbook. Fucker.


Suiko3cast-duke.jpg Nickname(s): none
Star: Chikatsu
Age: 33
First Appearance: Part 6

Sexy redhead Duke is the captain of the 14th Unit, rival to Geddoe's 12th Unit, where rival means "they're never actually equal but they like to fight each other anyway." Duke has a staggering inferiority complex about Geddoe beating his ass all the time, so he makes up for it by having a girl with gigantic tits on his arm at all times. Yeah, take that, Geddoe.


Suiko3cast-elaine.jpg Nickname(s): Gazongas
Star: Chimei
Age: 32
First Appearance: Part 6

Elaine, I'm sure, has a lot of interesting personality traits, and if someone were so inclined, they could write her as a fascinating and colorful character. I am not so inclined, and am instead choosing to concentrate on her watermelon-sized chi-chis. BOOBIES!


Suiko3cast-nicolas.jpg Nickname(s): none
Star: Chiri
Age: 39
First Appearance: Part 6

Nicolas is the resident tank of the 14th Unit, between his stocky constitution and his big circular shield. Like his canine friend Gau, he's not the talkative type, but he says just enough for us to know that he and Geddoe were probably friends at some point and that he's not an asshole. He just hangs out with assholes.


Suiko3cast-gau.jpg Nickname(s): none
Star: Chikai
Age: 26
First Appearance: Part 6

He's a Kobold with an eyepatch. That's pretty much it.


Suiko3cast-sebastian.jpg Nickname(s): Cogsworth
Star: Chihi
Age: 46
First Appearance: Part 7

Sebastian is the plump, fussy, worrying butler of Thomas's heart castle. He is simultaneously Budehuc's accountant, cook, maître'd and Hobbit pimp daddy. He and Thomas clearly have a "special" relationship which I hope I never see immortalized in fanfiction.


Suiko3cast-eike.jpg Nickname(s): Lurch
Star: Chisui
Age: 35
First Appearance: Part 7

Every castle needs a creepy guy with bags under his eyes who never talks to anyone, and at Budehuc Eike is that guy. Everyone at the castle obviously suspects him of being a child-molesting psycho, when in fact he's hiding out in his secret cave to get away from children. Dude just wants to read in a quiet place and everyone thinks he's unhinged. Poor guy.


Suiko3cast-muto.jpg Nickname(s): none
Star: Chison
Age: 22
First Appearance: Part 7

I said that Suikoden II's Ridley is the only smart Kobold ever, and I am sticking by that one hundred percent. Even if Muto didn't dress like a mentally challenged five year old, even without his lobotomy scar, Muto himself even tells you that he's not very smart. He almost makes Gengen look intelligent, people.


Suiko3cast-juan.jpg Nickname(s): none
Star: Tenman
Age: ?
First Appearance: Part 7

Budehuc's Bujutsu teacher, Juan spends more time sleeping and being a butthole than actually doing any skill training. And somehow, despite the fact that he is almost always sleeping, the aroused hedgehog growing out of his scalp is never mussed at all. Amazing!


Suiko3cast-koroku.jpg Nickname(s): none
Star: Chima
Age: 2
First Appearance: Part 8

Koroku is the leader of the Canine Mafia at Budehuc and is also Cecile's second-in-command in the castle guards. As if all of that isn't cool enough, he gets to live in a very awesome castle-shaped doghouse. I think he might even get to see Jeane naked.


Suiko3cast-peggi.jpg Nickname(s): none
Star: Chiko
Age: 24
First Appearance: Part 8

Easily the coolest blacksmith in the Suikoden series, now and forever. Between his beady-eyed Lizard countenance and his bellowing cries of "Peggi can sharpen that!" there is no finer anywhere. All bow at the altar of Peggi.


Suiko3cast-twaikin.jpg Nickname(s): none
Star: Chibun
Age: 41
First Appearance: Part 8

Twaikin the Dwarf compensates for his lack of stature by making prolific use of his long, hard shovel in public places. After the Lizards kick him out of the Great Hollow for trying to out-penis them, he spends the rest of the game in Budehuc's basement, digging in the same spot day and night with no visible progress.


Suiko3cast-scott.jpg Nickname(s): none
Star: Tenbou
Age: 19
First Appearance: Part 8

The completely fashion-retarded trader of Budehuc Castle. He seems like a nice enough guy, if a little dumb, but that outfit of his is a crime against humanity. My corneas will never be the same.


Suiko3cast-jeane.jpg Nickname(s): Jeanne
Star: Chiketsu
Age: ?
First Appearance: Part 8

The same Jeane that's in every Suikoden game. She's hot, she staples runes to people's hands and foreheads (ow), and she's Very Mysterious™, though she doesn't have a True Rune, a revelation that probably ruined tens of thousands of "MY VERSION OF SUIKO 5!!!!11" fanfics.


Suiko3cast-ernie.jpg Nickname(s): Apple Jr.
Star: Tenkoku
Age: 13
First Appearance: Part 8

I really have nothing against Ernie--she's actually fairly useful, unlike 75 percent of the recruits in the Suikoden series. And she's certainly a fair sight better than her namesake, but it can't be avoided that they look a lot alike. I call 'em like I see 'em.


Suiko3cast-dominic.jpg Nickname(s): none
Star: Chiyu
Age: 52
First Appearance: Part 8

The castle armorer who's obsessed with Mole Armor. I can't think of much else to say about him, because I'm stuck on how completely sad it is that a professional armorer would think the Mole Armor was at all cool.

Augustine Nabor

Suiko3cast-augustine.jpg Nickname(s): none
Star: Chichin
Age: 34
First Appearance: Part 8

Apparently a she-male who loves his "Rose Broach" and has the most amazing fucking aura ever. Naturally, his supernova-level flamingness makes him the darling golden boy of Budehuc Castle.


Suiko3cast-nei.jpg Nickname(s): none
Star: Chiraku
Age: 19
First Appearance: Part 8

An Elf musician with silly turquoise anime hair. Because she and Roland are both Elves, they must be in love. Nevermind that Roland is totally gay.


Suiko3cast-toppo.jpg Nickname(s): none
Star: Chian
Age: 33
First Appearance: Part 8

Toppo plays the fiddle in the musicians' trio. Since he never talks and is basically a surplus character, all I can tell you about him is that he has the most phallic nose ever. Check that thing out.


Suiko3cast-shabon.jpg Nickname(s): none
Star: Chiyu
Age: 6
First Appearance: Part 8

In the musical power trio that is Nei, Toppo and Shabon, Shabon is a good stereotypical youngster and plays the tambourine. Guillaume attempts to fondle her ass, surprising no one.


Suiko3cast-goro.jpg Nickname(s): none
Star: Chiretsu
Age: 19
First Appearance: Part 8

The son of Suikoden II's bathmeister, Tetsu. Goro has an unhealthy fixation on his dad's baths, and has made it his mission in life to bring his dad to orgasm through a pleasurable bathing experience. Oh, and he has a great ass.


Suiko3cast-mel.jpg Nickname(s): none
Star: Chiku
Age: 15
First Appearance: Part 8

Mel looks like a perfectly normal 15-year-old girl, but she's actually a ventriloquist. A bugfuck crazy, self-mutilating, rabid-dog-fetishing ventriloquist. Just what the army needs.


Suiko3cast-tuta.jpg Nickname(s): none
Star: Chijyu
Age: 26
First Appearance: Part 8

Tuta...well, Tuta got hot in the fifteen years since we last saw his bug-eyed, girly self. He even picked up a woman on the way who seems to have no qualms about being his beard. Unfortunately, being one of the few returning characters in this game has given him massive delusions of grandeur considering his role in the Yaoi Army.


Suiko3cast-mio.jpg Nickname(s): none
Star: Chirei
Age: 27
First Appearance: Part 8

Nurse Mio is Tuta's sidekick and obviously a cover for his gay lifestyle. She does pretty well at it too--who would guess that any man would spend so much time with a cute girl in a nurse outfit and not tap it?


Suiko3cast-watari.jpg Nickname(s): none
Star: Chikou
Age: 24
First Appearance: Part 8

If you like your ninjas with angst, and lots of it, then you'll love Watari. He comes expensive--100,000 potch is a big chunk of change even for a lottery gazillionaire--but for the price he comes with brooding expression, bad Hot Topic-purchased hair dye, mysterious past and diary of badly written death poetry. Get yours now!


Suiko3cast-gordon.jpg Nickname(s): none
Star: Chikou
Age: 35
First Appearance: Part 8

Budehuc's item shop owner might be even gayer than Augustine, if only for the fact that he thinks Augustine is the finest-looking man he's ever laid eyes on. That, and he looks like a Victorian parlor room threw up on him.


Suiko3cast-shizu.jpg Nickname(s): none
Star: Chisou
Age: 21
First Appearance: Part 8

Another name-drop recruit: Shizu is the young, nubile assistant of Adlai, one of three guys in the series to "invent" the elevator. And there I have to give Shizu credit: she's the only elevator person in the series thus far who doesn't claim to have invented the thing. But maybe that's because she's just a dumb girl, hee!


Suiko3cast-ayame.jpg Nickname(s): none
Star: X
Age: ?
First Appearance: Part 1


Suiko3cast-wilder.jpg Nickname(s): none
Star: X
Age: ?
First Appearance: Part 1


Suiko3cast-rhett.jpg Nickname(s): none
Star: X
Age: ?
First Appearance: Part 1

Lilly Pendragon

Suiko3cast-lilly.jpg Nickname(s): none
Star: X
Age: ?
First Appearance: Part 1


Suiko3cast-reed.jpg Nickname(s): none
Star: X
Age: ?
First Appearance: Part 1


Suiko3cast-samus.jpg Nickname(s): none
Star: X
Age: ?
First Appearance: Part 1


Suiko3cast-bazba.jpg Nickname(s): none
Star: X
Age: ?
First Appearance: Part 1


Suiko3cast-barts.jpg Nickname(s): none
Star: X
Age: ?
First Appearance: Part 1

Other characters


Suiko3cast-lulu.jpg Nickname(s): none
Star: none
Age: ?
First Appearance: Part 1

Another Karaya kid, but this one is a wanker. A big one. And there's no forgiving him, because his mom isn't at all hot. Lulu's purpose is to make everyone else look bad by saying embarrassing stereotypical things in public. Think of Wakka as a little kid, without all the bong action to mellow him out. There you go.


Suiko3cast-sana.jpg Nickname(s): none
Star: none
Age: ?
First Appearance: Part 4

Sana is a kindly older woman who leads the people of Chisha, one of the tribes of Grassland. Incidentally, we find out she was quite the looker as a young lady. But she wasn't anyone's love interest. No. Really.


Suiko3cast-waurenhyte.jpg Nickname(s): none
Star: none
Age: ?
First Appearance: Part 8

He's Scott's pet parrot and kind of a smart-ass. And that's it. I only included him here so I wouldn't invite the wrath of some furry feathery Waurenhyte fangirl.


Suiko3cast-branky.jpg Nickname(s): none
Star: none
Age: ?
First Appearance: Part 8

It's much easier to think of Branky as a puppet controlled by crazy-ass Mel, and not to even consider the possibility that he is a real, sentient being. For starters, that would mean he spends all his time with Mel's hand up his ass.