Difference between revisions of "Suikoden II cast"

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|'''First Appearance:'''
|'''First Appearance:'''
|Part 1
|Part 7
A "runic" vampire, which translates to a "it's okay that he has no real vampiric qualities because he's SPEESHUL." He's purple and has a, er, swishy cloak, but also likes little girls. He baffles me.
==== [[Star Dragon Sword]] ====
==== [[Star Dragon Sword]] ====

Revision as of 17:13, 13 August 2012

Characters in each section are listed in order of recap appearance.

Major characters

Riou (Hero)

Suiko2cast-barry.jpg Nickname(s): Barry White
Star: Tenkai
Age: ?
First Appearance: Part 1

Our doe-eyed, fashionably-dressed (*cough*), ever-silent hero. Member of the Unicorn Brigade with his "friend" Jowy, he also has a famous father. Gee, that's never been done before. He uses tonfa, a weapon possibly even more phallic than the gunblade, making him an instant hit with ladies AND gents.

Jowy Atreides

Suiko2cast-jowy.jpg Nickname(s): none
Star: none
Age: 17
First Appearance: Part 1

Barry's childhood friend. In the grand Suikoden tradition, it obviously goes a fair bit beyond friendship, as far as he's concerned. Add to the mix that Jowy has Daddy issues, and we are in store for one sexually confused boy. Oh, and his name and avatar keep changing.

Luca Blight

Suiko2cast-luca.jpg Nickname(s): Adolf Hitler
Star: none
Age: 27
First Appearance: Part 1

Prince Luca gets his jollies from making people squeal like pigs, setting things on fire and from cleansing the world of "filth"-"filth" being, in this case, anyone who isn't him. And to extend the Hitler resemblance even more, he has Daddy issues, too.


Suiko2cast-viktor.jpg Nickname(s): Bear
Star: Tenko
Age: 32
First Appearance: Part 1

Viktor is largely the same meat-headed oaf that he was in Suikoden I, but he's three years older and suddenly in charge of a group of mercenaries. Who in the hell would let this guy be the boss of anyone? More importantly, he looks like a bear.


Suiko2cast-flik.jpg Nickname(s): none
Star: Tenan
Age: 28
First Appearance: Part 1

Unlike Viktor, Flik actually changes a little bit since we last saw his blue-clad ass in Suikoden I. For one thing, he's still obsessed with Odessa, but he's not a complete dillhole about it. For another, he's cool now. What three years can do.


Suiko2cast-nanami.jpg Nickname(s): none
Star: Tenjyu
Age: 16
First Appearance: Part 2

Barry's sister. Nanami is excitable, eager and very, very protective. Jowy would no doubt like to ditch her so he and his "man" could have some alone time, but she'll have none of that. She and the Hero aren't related by blood, but according to Jowy they're "a real family." I shed a tear.


Suiko2cast-shu.jpg Nickname(s): none
Star: Tenkai
Age: ?
First Appearance: Part 1

Leon Silverberg

Suiko2cast-leon.jpg Nickname(s): none
Star: none
Age: ?
First Appearance: Part 1

Stars of Destiny


Suiko2cast-barbara.jpg Nickname(s): none
Star: Chison
Age: 36
First Appearance: Part 1

The warehouse wench at Viktor's fort. It's almost refreshing to see a fat chick who isn't evil or psycho…then again, it's not like Barbara's important to the plot, either. Baby steps, people.


Suiko2cast-leona.jpg Nickname(s): none
Star: Chihi
Age: 32
First Appearance: Part 1

Your typical "lonely, bitter bar maiden with a heart of gold and a delicious booty." She, indeed, runs the bar at Viktor's fort, and makes a point of hitting on our hero. A woman in an RPG thinking the hero is cute? I know. You're so shocked.


Suiko2cast-gengen.jpg Nickname(s): none
Star: Chitan
Age: 17
First Appearance: Part 1

Gengen carries on the Suikoden tradition of Kobolds being annoying, proud-without-reason, speech-impaired gits. Sadly, most of the other characters think he's the bees' knees for some reason.


Suiko2cast-tuta.jpg Nickname(s): none
Star: Chijyu
Age: 11
First Appearance: Part 1

Dr. Huan's medical assistant. I only know Tuta is male because I've played Suikoden III and he actually gets some testosterone by then. His testosterone is practically in the negative numbers at this point.


Suiko2cast-eilie.jpg Nickname(s): none
Star: Tenzai
Age: 17
First Appearance: Part 1

A gypsy knife-thrower who travels and performs with her sister Rina and her brother Bolgan. She's extremely pushy and stubborn, and yes, she has a major thing for the Hero. She tries-and fails-to hide that fact.


Suiko2cast-rina.jpg Nickname(s): none
Star: Tenken
Age: 18
First Appearance: Part 1

Eilie's older sister and Suikoden II's resident ho. Eilie is greatly embarrassed by her behavior, but really wishes she could be that forward with men. Rina reads tarot cards as part of their traveling show, and more than likely tells everyone their fortune is to have sex with her behind the nearest tree.


Suiko2cast-bolgan.jpg Nickname(s): Andre the Giant
Star: Tenpai
Age: 16
First Appearance: Part 1

Bolgan is the youngest of the three travelers, and as such is the biggest and dumbest. (Get it? The big guy is the little brother? Ha!) His trick is to breathe fire and to say stupid giant-type things.


Suiko2cast-mukumuku.jpg Nickname(s): Muku Ranger Red
Star: Chima
Age: 6
First Appearance: Part 2

The first of the Squirrel Ranger Team, and the leader, since he's in red. Found hiding behind a tree in the Hero's backyard. Maybe the tree is their secret Squirrel Ranger Vehicle. Or not.


Suiko2cast-rikimaru.jpg Nickname(s): none
Star: Chian
Age: 25
First Appearance: Part 2

The Gang finds this wino/beggar passed out near the inn in Ryube. His character development? He likes food. What a winner.


Suiko2cast-millie.jpg Nickname(s): none
Star: Chiku
Age: 14
First Appearance: Part 2

Suikoden II jumps on the fanboy eye candy stereotype bandwagon early with this girl: she's sugary, she's well-endowed, she's wearing a sailor outfit, she's 14. Smell the spank material. And she has a very scary pet named Bonaparte.


Suiko2cast-kinnison.jpg Nickname(s): none
Star: Chisin
Age: 18
First Appearance: Part 2

I would call Kinnison a granola-munching hippie for his complaints about Highland destroying his forest home, but he's a hunter, also, and hippies don't dig killing animals. Whatever. His dog is cool, and that's all that matters.


Suiko2cast-shiro.jpg Nickname(s): none
Star: Chitai
Age: 9
First Appearance: Part 2

He's a big white wolf, hence the name. His favorite activities include saying "Whooooooooo" and eating cuddly animals. Therefore he's the game's best character.


Suiko2cast-zamza.jpg Nickname(s): Lawrence of Assholia
Star: Chisin
Age: 29
First Appearance: Part 2

Another random catch for your party. Zamza dresses like an Arabian and is convinced of his utter, incomparable coolness. The reality? He's a wuss and a jackass to boot. If I could have him killed and still get the game's best ending, I would.


Suiko2cast-apple.jpg Nickname(s): none
Star: Chifuku
Age: 18
First Appearance: Part 2

Apple is technically a strategist, but I prefer to think of her as a Coattails Clinger. She sucks in the realm of battle tactics, which is good, because it means we get cooler strategists to make up for her incompetence. She's also a master of saying really stupid things. In short: I hate her.


Suiko2cast-hanna.jpg Nickname(s): none
Star: Tensatsu
Age: 29
First Appearance: Part 2

Poor Hanna. She must have been designed during a lunch break. There's nothing really outstanding about her. In appearance, in character, in battle, she's just there. Even her manliness is unimpressive.


Suiko2cast-tsai.jpg Nickname(s): Tsai of the Divine Spear
Star: Tenyu
Age: 37
First Appearance: Part 3

A weapon smith living the hermit lifestyle in Ryube Village, Tsai has a divine spear by reputation, but I'm willing to bet the legendary divinity of his spear wouldn't hold up to testing.


Suiko2cast-kiba.jpg Nickname(s): none
Star: Tenmou
Age: 47
First Appearance: Part 3

The leader of Highland's 3rd Royal Company. He's loyal to the King, and not the Prince. This is our less-than-subtle clue that Kiba's really a good guy stuck under the leadership of a really bad man.


Suiko2cast-hilda.jpg Nickname(s): none
Star: Chiin
Age: 33
First Appearance: Part 4

She runs the White Deer Inn east of Muse with her husband and son. She doesn't have much personality worth mentioning, but she's got major diamond lust that she tries, in vain, to hide. Typical chick.


Suiko2cast-alex.jpg Nickname(s): Lloyd
Star: Chisu
Age: 36
First Appearance: Part 4

Hilda's unibrowed, bowl-cut, treasure-obsessed husband. He hates the rural inn life and wants to find a bounty of gold so he can move his family someplace nice. Hopefully wherever that is, they'll have a decent barber there.


Suiko2cast-clive.jpg Nickname(s): none
Star: Tensyo
Age: 27
First Appearance: Part 5

Clive's a gunner from the Howling Voice Guild, and he's been sent to track down Elza, who stole some shit from his bosses. He takes his mission very seriously, but isn't very good at it--after all, he requires the help of a gay teenage boy just to find a boat across a lake.


Suiko2cast-jess.jpg Nickname(s): none
Star: Tenku
Age: 24
First Appearance: Part 5

Lady Anabelle's infatuated, assholish assistant. He's one of those annoying civilian politican types who talks a big game but doesn't really understand what War and Hardship are all about. And he'd be shot in a second on the battlefield, wearing those bright yellow pants. Duh.

Dr. Huan

Suiko2cast-huan.jpg Nickname(s): none
Star: Chirei
Age: 34
First Appearance: Part 5

Tuta's boss, and the bestest doctor in the whole wide world! But we see none of his fat cash--he lives in a very modest building in the middle of Muse, with only a sexually confused little boy to assist him. Maybe medicine in Jowston is socialized or something.


Suiko2cast-anita.jpg Nickname(s): none
Star: Tenkyu
Age: 29
First Appearance: Part 5

Some random warrior chick Barry meets in Muse. She apparently has some rival that drives her up the wall, and she just loves being hit on and waited on by effeminate young men. And though she's a seasoned fighter, she still chooses to wear sexy chick armor that exposes a bunch of skin. Right.


Suiko2cast-fitcher.jpg Nickname(s): Big Gay Fitcher
Star: Tenritsu
Age: 32
First Appearance: Part 5

A seemingly random messenger of Muse who becomes marginally important in the grand scheme of things. Going by appearances, this guy is easily as gay as our tiara-wearing hero, and his nancy-boy attitude doesn't help matters. The picture says it all, folks.


Suiko2cast-camus.jpg Nickname(s): none
Star: Chiki
Age: 27
First Appearance: Part 6

Head of the Red Knights of Matilda. Camus, despite the reference to a 20th century existentialist, is straight out of the pages of an Arthurian romance. Fortunately, I’ve never seen piles and piles of Lancelot x Gallahad slash, something I can’t say about Camus and Miklotov.


Suiko2cast-miklotov.jpg Nickname(s): none
Star: Chimou
Age: 26
First Appearance: Part 6

Opposite Camus as the leader of Matilda’s Blue Knights. Smell the yaoi. Miklotov is the noble idealist--he believes it’s their duty as knights to help people in need. Clearly, this conflicts with his boss’ view that their duty is to sit on their asses and watch people die. Bad work environment.


Suiko2cast-hauser.jpg Nickname(s): none
Star: Tenyu
Age: 43
First Appearance: Part 6

Hey, everyone, it’s Suikoden’s Token Black Man! Poor Hauser is even treated as such--he commands Muse’s military forces, but plays silent bitch to Jess, and only gets token lines. Whassup wit’ dat?

Teresa Wisemail

Suiko2cast-teresa.jpg Nickname(s): none
Star: Tenki
Age: 27
First Appearance: Part 6

The "Acting Mayor" of Greenhill. This "acting" bit is important, because it means no one takes Teresa seriously as a politician, Teresa included. She has absolutely no confidence in her ability to lead people. Of course she can't lead--she's a weak GIRL!


Suiko2cast-gilbert.jpg Nickname(s): none
Star: Chisatsu
Age: 36
First Appearance: Part 6

Some mercenary who's an old acquaintance of Viktor and Flik. Decides to abandon Highland and join the City-State in the middle of a battle, because he knows I need to get the good ending.

Tai Ho

Suiko2cast-taiho.jpg Nickname(s): none
Star: Tenhei
Age: 37
First Appearance: Part 6

Has now infected two Suikoden games with the pain and horror that is The Game That Shall Not Be Named. Still wears a bathrobe. Will go to a special circle of hell reserved for people who force shitty, rigged dice games on other people.

Yam Koo

Suiko2cast-yamkoo.jpg Nickname(s): none
Star: Tenson
Age: 28
First Appearance: Part 6

Tai Ho's evil brother/lover/partner in crime. He badly needs a haircut and also needs to stop acting like a whiny Tidus. At least in this game he's not playable, because hey, did he suck or what?

Freed Y

Suiko2cast-freedy.jpg Nickname(s): Waylon S
Star: Tenbou
Age: 25
First Appearance: Part 7

Freed is the right-hand manbitch of South Window's Lord Granmeyer. He spends most of his time bootlicking and talking about how great his city and boss/object of lust are. He also has a huge rod up his butt, which makes Barry really jealous.

Kahn Marley

Suiko2cast-barbara.jpg Nickname(s): none
Star: Chison
Age: 36
First Appearance: Part 1


Suiko2cast-barbara.jpg Nickname(s): none
Star: Chison
Age: 36
First Appearance: Part 1


Suiko2cast-barbara.jpg Nickname(s): none
Star: Chison
Age: 36
First Appearance: Part 1


Suiko2cast-barbara.jpg Nickname(s): none
Star: Chison
Age: 36
First Appearance: Part 1


Suiko2cast-barbara.jpg Nickname(s): none
Star: Chison
Age: 36
First Appearance: Part 1


Suiko2cast-barbara.jpg Nickname(s): none
Star: Chison
Age: 36
First Appearance: Part 1


Suiko2cast-barbara.jpg Nickname(s): none
Star: Chison
Age: 36
First Appearance: Part 1


Suiko2cast-barbara.jpg Nickname(s): none
Star: Chison
Age: 36
First Appearance: Part 1


Suiko2cast-barbara.jpg Nickname(s): none
Star: Chison
Age: 36
First Appearance: Part 1


Suiko2cast-barbara.jpg Nickname(s): none
Star: Chison
Age: 36
First Appearance: Part 1


Suiko2cast-barbara.jpg Nickname(s): none
Star: Chison
Age: 36
First Appearance: Part 1


Suiko2cast-barbara.jpg Nickname(s): none
Star: Chison
Age: 36
First Appearance: Part 1


Suiko2cast-barbara.jpg Nickname(s): none
Star: Chison
Age: 36
First Appearance: Part 1


Suiko2cast-barbara.jpg Nickname(s): none
Star: Chison
Age: 36
First Appearance: Part 1


Suiko2cast-barbara.jpg Nickname(s): none
Star: Chison
Age: 36
First Appearance: Part 1


Suiko2cast-barbara.jpg Nickname(s): none
Star: Chison
Age: 36
First Appearance: Part 1


Suiko2cast-barbara.jpg Nickname(s): none
Star: Chison
Age: 36
First Appearance: Part 1


Suiko2cast-barbara.jpg Nickname(s): none
Star: Chison
Age: 36
First Appearance: Part 1

Hai Yo

Suiko2cast-barbara.jpg Nickname(s): none
Star: Chison
Age: 36
First Appearance: Part 1


Suiko2cast-barbara.jpg Nickname(s): none
Star: Chison
Age: 36
First Appearance: Part 1


Suiko2cast-barbara.jpg Nickname(s): none
Star: Chison
Age: 36
First Appearance: Part 1


Suiko2cast-barbara.jpg Nickname(s): none
Star: Chison
Age: 36
First Appearance: Part 1


Suiko2cast-barbara.jpg Nickname(s): none
Star: Chison
Age: 36
First Appearance: Part 1


Suiko2cast-barbara.jpg Nickname(s): none
Star: Chison
Age: 36
First Appearance: Part 1


Suiko2cast-barbara.jpg Nickname(s): none
Star: Chison
Age: 36
First Appearance: Part 1


Suiko2cast-barbara.jpg Nickname(s): none
Star: Chison
Age: 36
First Appearance: Part 1

Other characters


Suiko2cast-rowd.jpg Nickname(s): The Prick
Star: none
Age: 29
First Appearance: Part 1

Captain of Barry and Jowy's unit in the Unicorn Brigade. More importantly, he's a total asshole who uses anyone and everyone possible in order to get promoted in the Highland Army. Thankfully, this behavior gets him nowhere.


Suiko2cast-pohl.jpg Nickname(s): none
Star: none
Age: ?
First Appearance: Part 1

A self-important dweeb who managed to be special enough to get his own character portrait. Don't ask me; I don't know why, either. He enjoys bossing around "kids" at Viktor's mercenary fort, even though he's barely an adolescent himself, from the looks of things. But don't worry-he won't be around long enough to get too irritating.


Suiko2cast-genkaku.jpg Nickname(s): none
Star: none
Age: 63 (deceased)
First Appearance: Part 2

Barry and Nanami's famous dad. Or grandpa. Or foster parent. Whatever. They aren't related by blood, but Barry nonetheless ends up inheriting Genkaku's old Bright Shield Rune, ensuring that everyone he meets looks at him as some kind of legacy kid. Barry and Nanami buried him under a penis stone.

Jillia Blight

Suiko2cast-jillia.jpg Nickname(s): none
Star: none
Age: 16
First Appearance: Part 2

Jillia Blight is Luca's younger sister and the Princess of Highland. Because she's an RPG Princess, she's very proper and polite and, of course, much saner than her big bro. Like that's saying anything. Be prepared to have several men make asses of themselves in front of her.


Suiko2cast-bonaparte.jpg Nickname(s): none
Star: Chitan
Age: ?
First Appearance: Part 2

Millie's pet demon pig. It is terrifying.


Suiko2cast-pilika.jpg Nickname(s): none
Star: none
Age: 6
First Appearance: Part 2

Pilika's family nursed Jowy back to health in Toto Village. Pilika calls him "Uncle Jowy," which makes me puke. She's a happy, healthy, sweet-as-sugar tot…. Gee, I wonder if anything bad will happen to her.

Solon Jhee

Suiko2cast-solon.jpg Nickname(s): Salon Jhee
Star: none
Age: 31
First Appearance: Part 3

Head of the 2nd Company. He's extremely cocky, which may or may not be due to his masses of hair gel seeping into and corrupting his brain. He's Prince Luca's loyal right-hand man, which means he probably won't last until the end of the game.


Suiko2cast-culgan.jpg Nickname(s): Richard Gere
Star: none
Age: 29
First Appearance: Part 3

One half of the Loyal Henchmen Duo of the Highland Army. Culgan is extremely serious and cautious, the sober yin to Seed's raging yang. This means they want each other. 39 million Culgan/Seed doujinshi artists can't be wrong.


Suiko2cast-seed.jpg Nickname(s): Julia Roberts
Star: none
Age: 26
First Appearance: Part 3

Culgan's tag team buddy in Highland. He's a hothead who likes to attack first and think second. We rarely, if ever, see this attitude demonstrated by action in battle, but it must be true, because Exposition!Culgan said so.


Suiko2cast-leknaat.jpg Nickname(s): none
Star: none
Age: ?
First Appearance: Part 3

Since the end of Suikoden I, Leknaat has gone from being the imperial horoscope chick to a general purveyor of magical exposition. The improved character artwork in this game allows us to see that she's really hot.


Suiko2cast-elza.jpg Nickname(s): none
Star: none
Age: ?
First Appearance: Part 5

A scarred blonde lady running away from Clive because she stole some guns or something. She has a good time making Clive look like an idiot, which is a fun quality in a female RPG character.


Suiko2cast-anabelle.jpg Nickname(s): none
Star: none
Age: 34
First Appearance: Part 5

The mayor of Muse, and Viktor's conveniently-placed love interest. Despite that, she's a very capable lady and doesn't at all show the trappings of your typical RPG female. This, of course, means she's going to bite the big one sooner or later. Actually, sooner.


Suiko2cast-gorudo.jpg Nickname(s): Wart
Star: none
Age: 37
First Appearance: Part 6

The Meanie!Leader of the Matilda Knights. He’s corrupt and cruel, and uses his position as liege lord of the Matilda Knights to get people to kiss his ass. But he gets his in the end, because ugly bad guys always do.


Suiko2cast-makai.jpg Nickname(s): none
Star: none
Age: 31
First Appearance: Part 6

The weak-chinned, nancy-boy representative of Two River. He’s a big pussy and doesn’t want to fight the Highlanders. And he’s a bigoted elitist until he has his Big Revelation. Not much else to him.


Suiko2cast-granmeyer.jpg Nickname(s): none
Star: none
Age: 52
First Appearance: Part 6

Granmeyer’s the Mayor of South Window. He must be dumb, if he trusts Viktor’s mercs farther than he can throw them. He further shows his dumbness by having Freed as his right-hand man. His crazy amounts of dumb get him killed, too. Just dumb.

Gustav Pendragon

Suiko2cast-gustav.jpg Nickname(s): none
Star: none
Age: 47
First Appearance: Part 6

Another of the Cornelius Fudge-like "let’s just stick our heads in the sand and pretend this isn’t happening" crowd of the City State. He kind of looks like Brock from Pokémon after about thirty years of aging.


Suiko2cast-neclord.jpg Nickname(s): The Count
Star: none
Age: ?
First Appearance: Part 7

A "runic" vampire, which translates to a "it's okay that he has no real vampiric qualities because he's SPEESHUL." He's purple and has a, er, swishy cloak, but also likes little girls. He baffles me.

Star Dragon Sword

Suiko2cast-stardragonsword.jpg Nickname(s): none
Star: none
Age: 29
First Appearance: Part 1