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Some random guy, not to be confused with Chandler Bing, who REEEEEEALLY wants to open up his own item shop. If only there were someplace where he could do that...
Some random guy, not to be confused with Chandler Bing, who REEEEEEALLY wants to open up his own item shop. If only there were someplace where he could do that...
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Revision as of 19:45, 14 August 2012

Characters in each section are listed in order of recap appearance.

Major characters

Tir (Hero) McDohl

Suikodencast-puggy.jpg Nickname(s): PUGGY!!!
Star: Tenkai
Age: ?
First Appearance: Part 1

The main character, the son of one of the Five Great Imperial Generals. He doesn't talk much, but everybody thinks he's the bee's knees. He apparently has a great destiny in store for him, unlike all other RPG Heroes.

Teo McDohl

Suikodencast-teo.jpg Nickname(s): none
Star: none
Age: 42
First Appearance: Part 1

PUGGY!!!'s dad, one of the Five Great Imperial Generals. He owns a house full of young men, although he seems to have a chick he likes. Go figure.

Emperor Barbarosa

Suikodencast-barbarosa.jpg Nickname(s): Emperor Assarosa
Star: none
Age: 52
First Appearance: Part 1

The Emperor. Duh. He has an ass chin and an ass forehead. A lot of people also think he's an ass, although he's been nice to PUGGY!!!...so far.


Suikodencast-windy.jpg Nickname(s): none
Star: none
Age: ?
First Appearance: Part 1

The Court Magician. Apparently she looks like the Emperor's dead wife, although I hope the resemblance is from before she died.


Suikodencast-gremio.jpg Nickname(s): none
Star: Tenei
Age: 27
First Appearance: Part 1

PUGGY!!!'s protector, lives at the McDohl household. He apparently helped raise PUGGY!!! but I can't tell if he's supposed to be a servant, or Teo's adopted son, or what. The most important thing is that he seems to like PUGGY!!! as more than a friend.


Suikodencast-ted.jpg Nickname(s): none
Star: none
Age: 300+
First Appearance: Part 1

He's another of PUGGY!!!'s butt budd--er, adopted brothers. He has some sort of secret that's only blatantly hinted at about a zillion times before it is finally revealed. And no, the secret isn't that he wants PUGGY!!!, although he does.


Suikodencast-cleo.jpg Nickname(s): none
Star: Tenman
Age: 28
First Appearance: Part 1

The only female living at the McDohl household. She is another one of PUGGY!!!'s protectors, and is also a tomboy.


Suikodencast-pahn.jpg Nickname(s): none
Star: Tentai
Age: 29
First Appearance: Part 1

Another of PUGGY!!!'s protectors, Teo's adopted son. He likes fighting. We know this because he says it a million times.


Suikodencast-leknaat.jpg Nickname(s): none
Star: none
Age: ?
First Appearance: Part 1

Windy's sister, a seer. She has been commissioned to do the "Astral Conclusions" (fancy name for horoscopes) for the Empire. She thinks PUGGY!!! is cute, and she also tells him about his important destiny. How original.


Suikodencast-viktor.jpg Nickname(s): Bear
Star: Tenko
Age: 29
First Appearance: Part 2

He's a big macho guy, and also a member of the Liberation Army. He kind of just does whatever he wants, and sometimes it comes back to bite him in the ass.

Odessa Silverberg

Suikodencast-odessa.jpg Nickname(s): none
Star: none
Age: 24
First Appearance: Part 2

The leader of the Liberation Army. Everyone goes on and on about how wonderful she is because she's the only hope for freedom in the land. I guess it helps that she's hot.


Suikodencast-flik.jpg Nickname(s): none
Star: Tenan
Age: 25
First Appearance: Part 2

Another member of the Liberation Army. He wears all blue, and yeah, it looks kind of dorky. He's a bit mistrusting of PUGGY!!! and the gang, and he totally wants Odessa.

Mathiu Silverberg

Suikodencast-mathiu.jpg Nickname(s): none
Star: Tenki
Age: 35
First Appearance: Part 3

He's just a poor recluse. A poor recluse who KICKS ASS. Well, I don't know about the ass kicking part, but it sounded cool. He's actually a doctor, which makes the whole "poor" thing rather questionable, and he's also Odessa's brother.

Stars of Destiny

Kasim Hazil

Suikodencast-kasim.jpg Nickname(s): none
Star: Tenyu
Age: 43
First Appearance: Part 1

One of the Five Great Imperial Generals. Not much is known about him yet, except that he's a great swordfighter. Well, who isn't?

Milich Oppenheimer

Suikodencast-milich.jpg Nickname(s): none
Star: Tenkyu
Age: 38
First Appearance: Part 1

One of the Five Great Imperial Generals, also known as the "Flower General". He is always well-dressed (read: fop) and wears makeup.

Sonya Shulen

Suikodencast-sonya.jpg Nickname(s): none
Star: Tenjyu
Age: 27
First Appearance: Part 1

Yup, another of the Five Great Imperial Generals. She likes Teo in that way.


Suikodencast-futch.jpg Nickname(s): none
Star: Chibi
Age: 11
First Appearance: Part 1

A young Dragon Knight with a dirty-sounding name. His dragon, Black, sounds like an elephant. Futch enjoys calling people "punks".


Suikodencast-luc.jpg Nickname(s): none
Star: Tenkan
Age: 14
First Appearance: Part 1

Lady Leknaat's follower. He has a Wind Rune, which he uses to call up a Golem. He's also girly, and a bit of an ass.


Suikodencast-varkas.jpg Nickname(s): none
Star: Tenbou
Age: 34
First Appearance: Part 1

Leader of a group of bandits at Mt. Seifu. Accused of stealing tax money from a town, he is captured after being defeated by PUGGY!!! and pals. Is he really a bad guy, though? The answer is no. Crap, I gave it away.


Suikodencast-sydonia.jpg Nickname(s): none
Star: Tenkoku
Age: 22
First Appearance: Part 1

Varkas' wacky sidekick who is also captured by PUGGY!!! and pals. He's one weird bastard.


Suikodencast-humphrey.jpg Nickname(s): none
Star: Tenyu
Age: 32
First Appearance: Part 2

Are you going to hazard a wild guess that Humphrey is another member of the Liberation Army? Then you guessed right, my friend. He does nothing except say the line "........" thus far.


Suikodencast-ledon.jpg Nickname(s): none
Star: Chido
Age: 38
First Appearance: Part 2

He's an innkeeper on Mt. Tigerwolf. He looks like a pedophile, and his hobby is serving poisoned tea to travelers. Yeah, he's a catch.


Suikodencast-kessler.jpg Nickname(s): none
Star: Chisin
Age: 42
First Appearance: Part 2

Not much is known about him at this point. He has a scary blond mullet and he's Ledon's boss. Boss of what? I don't know.


Suikodencast-chandler.jpg Nickname(s): none
Star: Chikou
Age: 33
First Appearance: Part 3

Some random guy, not to be confused with Chandler Bing, who REEEEEEALLY wants to open up his own item shop. If only there were someplace where he could do that...


Suikodencast-antonio.jpg Nickname(s): none
Star: Chisyu
Age: 36
First Appearance: Part 3

A random chef who REEEEEALLY wants to open his own restaurant. Once again, it sure would be cool if someone could help him out.


Suikodencast-marie.jpg Nickname(s): none
Star: Chiin
Age: 39
First Appearance: Part 3

You know the drill. She's the innkeeper from Gregminster, and she needs a new place to open an inn. Yeah, yeah, just act like you don't know what's going to happen.


Suikodencast-sergei.jpg Nickname(s): none
Star: Chisou
Age: 35
First Appearance: Part 3

He's absolutely obsessed with his invention, the elevator. If only there were someplace....okay, I give up.


Suikodencast-camille.jpg Nickname(s): none
Star: Tenyu
Age: 18
First Appearance: Part 3

Poor, poor Camille. Gremio owes her money, but she seems to be mistaken about the nature of their relationship. No matter how much she follows him around, he's never going to treat her to his special stew.

Tai Ho

Suikodencast-taiho.jpg Nickname(s): none
Star: Tenhei
Age: 34
First Appearance: Part 3

A bad, bad man. He forces PUGGY!!! to play the Game That Shall Not Be Named. He shall burn in hell.

Yam Koo

Suikodencast-yamkoo.jpg Nickname(s): none
Star: Tenson
Age: 25
First Appearance: Part 3

He looks like Cousin It's brother, but is actually Tai Ho's brother. I think there may be a little bit more than brotherly love going on in his sick mind. Maybe it's the fact that they always hang out in their bathrobes.


Suikodencast-maas.jpg Nickname(s): none
Star: Chibaku
Age: 22
First Appearance: Part 4

The first blacksmith to arrive at Penis Castle. He thinks he'll be "straightening out people's minds" when he joins the army. Shut up and sharpen my weapons, Maas.


Suikodencast-sansuke.jpg Nickname(s): none
Star: Chiretsu
Age: 24
First Appearance: Part 4

The guy in charge of the baths. God, my army sucks.


Suikodencast-onil.jpg Nickname(s): none
Star: Chizen
Age: 55
First Appearance: Part 4

A "woman" who thinks "she" knows what's going on. I'm sure "she" just wants to join the army because its headquarters is Penis Castle.


Suikodencast-krin.jpg Nickname(s): none
Star: Chizoku
Age: Chizoku
First Appearance: Part 4

A no-good little piece of crap who "helps" PUGGY!!! get into Lepant's mansion. For some reason, PUGGY!!! listens to him. What is wrong with these people?


Suikodencast-giovanni.jpg Nickname(s): none
Star: Chiyou
Age: 36
First Appearance: Part 4

Lepant's right hand man or something. All I know is that he won't let anyone into Lepant's mansion. Jerk. Incidentally, he is not fun to look at. Where are all the hot guys, Konami?


Suikodencast-rock.jpg Nickname(s): none
Star: Chison
Age: 27
First Appearance: Part 4

Originally Lepant's vault guard, he defects when he learns that Penis Castle has a truly large "vault." Or will someday. Great, another flighty bastard in my army.


Suikodencast-juppo.jpg Nickname(s): none
Star: Chisyun
Age: 26
First Appearance: Part 4

A trickster who builds dolls and other strange contraptions. His most notable feature is his pink hat with a puffball on top of it. Add him to Gremio's team.


Suikodencast-lepant.jpg Nickname(s): none
Star: Tengou
Age: 42
First Appearance: Part 4

A guy from Kouan who has some sort of importance, at least to Mathiu. PUGGY!!! steals his sword, which is always a good way to get someone to join your side.


Suikodencast-eileen.jpg Nickname(s): none
Star: Tenkou
Age: 32
First Appearance: Part 4

Lepant's hot piece of ass wife who convinces him to join PUGGY!!! after she is almost raped by Kraze. I'm sure she'll be a great asset to the army. Go PUGGY!!!!


Suikodencast-kirkis.jpg Nickname(s): Linkolas
Star: Tenbi
Age: 24
First Appearance: Part 5

A stereotypical gay elf. I realize that is redundant. In addition to having the intelligence of a clam, Kirkis is also irritatingly PC. He won't rest until all the races of the world love each other. Preferably with gay buttsex.


Suikodencast-sheena.jpg Nickname(s): none
Star: Chimei
Age: 16
First Appearance: Part 5

Sheena is a butch lesbian who tries to convince chicks all over the world that she's really a guy. She's Lepant's kid, so we have the whole damn family in Penis Castle now. I can hardly contain my joy.


Suikodencast-meg.jpg Nickname(s): none
Star: Chikei
Age: 13
First Appearance: Part 5

A young girl who learns lots of neat "tricks" from her dirty Uncle Juppo. Hey, PUGGY!!! already has an army full of lame assholes, so a useless little kid should fit right in.


Suikodencast-viki.jpg Nickname(s): none
Star: Chitatsu
Age: 16
First Appearance: Part 5

Because her teleportation skill saves me from walking all over creation, I can't be too snide. She's a Suikoden staple, although they've never explained why she just doesn't keep trying until she teleports herself to her intended destination.


Suikodencast-kuromimi.jpg Nickname(s): none
Star: Chitan
Age: 20
First Appearance: Part 5

A kobold. I think that's all I need to say.


Suikodencast-valeria.jpg Nickname(s): none
Star: Tensyo
Age: 26
First Appearance: Part 5

An Imperial who for some reason feels the need to save the asshat elves. She's good with a sword, but the game designers don't beat it into our heads that she's a GIRL who can FIGHT. I'm as shocked as you are.


Suikodencast-sylvina.jpg Nickname(s): none
Star: Chisatsu
Age: 17
First Appearance: Part 5

Kirkis's irritating beard. Like Rinoa, only more crappily translated. She supposedly dies, but you know the game designers aren't going to let me be happy for long. Assholes.


Suikodencast-stallion.jpg Nickname(s): none
Star: Tensoku
Age: 26
First Appearance: Part 5

A blue-haired elf with an extremely phallic nose. He runs really fast, and has somehow developed an ego over this.


Suikodencast-templeton.jpg Nickname(s): none
Star: Chimou
Age: 11
First Appearance: Part 6

Not much different from his 14-year-old self, except that you'd be even more of a pedo if you wanted to do it with him. He's still obsessed with making maps and still lacking testosterone. But the latter doesn't exactly make him unusual in the Liberation Army.

Kwanda Rosman

Suikodencast-kwanda.jpg Nickname(s): Kwanzaa
Star: Tenmou
Age: 36
First Appearance: Part 6

The very first Imperial General to fall to PUGGY!!!'s awesome power. The eeeeeeevil Windy gave him a Black Rune which made Kwanda eeeeevil, too. And that fact is only mentioned about a bazillion times.


Suikodencast-lorelai.jpg Nickname(s): none
Star: Chikatsu
Age: 25
First Appearance: Part 6

A tough lady who likes her men tough as well. Strangely, she still agrees to join up with PUGGY!!!. Another female in the Not Completely Fucking Useless department.


Suikodencast-gaspar.jpg Nickname(s): none
Star: Chisyu
Age: 35
First Appearance: Part 6

An evil only exceeded by Tai Ho, he, too, forces PUGGY!!! to play The Game That Shall Not Be Named. But he shall be saved from PUGGY!!!'s wrath only because it doesn't take PUGGY!!! twenty thousand tries to beat him.


Suikodencast-kai.jpg Nickname(s): none
Star: Chihi
Age: 50
First Appearance: Part 6

PUGGY!!!'s former martial arts instructor. And yes, I mean instructor in a dirty way. He may be a less-than-attractive old guy, but according to him, he's worth 100 men. Aw yeah.


Suikodencast-gon.jpg Nickname(s): none
Star: Chikaku
Age: 18
First Appearance: Part 6

Kuromimi's friend or brother or something. He's a lot cuter than Kuromimi, and I sure as hell don't mean it in that way. God, you guys.

Fu Su Lu

Suikodencast-fusulu.jpg Nickname(s): none
Star: Tensatsu
Age: 32
First Appearance: Part 6

A tiger man or man tiger. Apparently he kicks lots of ass, but I'm about ready to kick his ass for making me give up 10000 of my precious bits to recruit him. Jerk.


Suikodencast-quincy.jpg Nickname(s): none
Star: Chiyu
Age: 16
First Appearance: Part 7

A self-proclaimed hunter, this androgynous individual is a total jerkhead who will only join whichever army he/she thinks is going to win. Quincy has obviously never played a video game in his/her entire life if he/she can't figure that one out.


Suikodencast-hellion.jpg Nickname(s): none
Star: Chisyu
Age: 70
First Appearance: Part 7

She's a very magic-oriented individual PUGGY!!! met in a cheap hotel. Not like that. Although she appears to have an annoying True Runebearer wannabe complex, she provided me with the Blinking Mirror so I'll cut her some slack. See, I'm not all that hard to please.


Suikodencast-lotte.jpg Nickname(s): none
Star: Chiku
Age: 15
First Appearance: Part 7

A magic-user who can't keep track of her God damn cat. Seriously, PUGGY!!! was forced to chase her pussy all over Kaku, and she didn't even buy him dinner first.


Suikodencast-jabba.jpg Nickname(s): Jabba the Not Hutt
Star: Chisei
Age: 60
First Appearance: Part 7

The best appraiser in the entire land who also happens to have an unfortunate name. He lends his essential appraisal skills to the Liberation Army, which means...well, I guess it means I collected one more fricking Star of Destiny. It's not like he has any fighting abilities.


Suikodencast-gen.jpg Nickname(s): none
Star: Chiman
Age: 26
First Appearance: Part 7

A guy who does something with boats. Possibly that. He has one of those love/hate relationships with Kamandol, not unlike Squall and Seifer. Except nowhere near as hot.


Suikodencast-kamandol.jpg Nickname(s): none
Star: Chiri
Age: 55
First Appearance: Part 7

Gen's next door neighbor and mad scientist. Between sessions of mad passionate sex with Gen, he helps equip PUGGY!!!'s boat with his latest invention. And I'm not talking about a vibrator -- it's an engine. And quite possibly the first engine ever invented, at least until a Suikoden prequel changes that.


Suikodencast-anji.jpg Nickname(s): none
Star: Tenken
Age: 28
First Appearance: Part 7

An asshole ass pirate who knows Tai Ho. This is not a point in his favor. I don't know anything more about him because I was unable to recruit his lame ass in this go-around. Not that I really want to know more about him, the prick.


Suikodencast-leonardo.jpg Nickname(s): none
Star: Tenpai
Age: 31
First Appearance: Part 7

One of Anji's gay buddies. He also earns my wrath.


Suikodencast-kanak.jpg Nickname(s): none
Star: Tenzai
Age: 33
First Appearance: Part 7



Suikodencast-liukan.jpg Nickname(s): none
Star: Chirei
Age: ?
First Appearance: Part 7

Another poor recluse, this one a pharmacist with the secret to resisting Milich's poisonously poisonous roses. Just like half the characters in the game, he hoped to live the rest of his life as a hermit, but PUGGY!!! seduces him into the Liberation Army.


Suikodencast-qlon.jpg Nickname(s): none
Star: Chiken
Age: 10
First Appearance: Part 7

A young boy in Antei, his only talent is announcing the name of the town. Yes, this makes him more useless than most, and that's saying something. Also, he enjoys this duty at Penis Castle a little too much.


Suikodencast-chapman.jpg Nickname(s): none
Star: Chiyu
Age: 32
First Appearance: Part 7

An armorer who has seemingly waited his whole life to join the Liberation Army. More importantly, he becomes the Penis Castle armorer so I don't have to teleport all over the place to buy armor. Yes, I am that lazy. For more information on his made up backstory, read the freaking recap.


Suikodencast-mina.jpg Nickname(s): none
Star: Chiin
Age: 14
First Appearance: Part 7

A dancer. A girl dancer. She forces PUGGY!!! to dance with her in public before she'll join the army, and what does he get in return? Another chick at Penis Castle.


Suikodencast-jeane.jpg Nickname(s): Jeanne
Star: Chiketsu
Age: ?
First Appearance: Part 7

The same ageless, silver-haired, boobtastic runemistress from every freaking Suikoden game ever. Since she's actually useful, PUGGY!!! has no problem with her presence. Although if any chick could turn Suikoden men straight, it'd probably be her.


Suikodencast-kimberly.jpg Nickname(s): none
Star: Chikou
Age: 32
First Appearance: Part 8

An illiterate forger (go with it) who knows Mathiu and has an insatiable appetite for pretty men. The unfortunate object of her attention is Flik, setting up one of many situations in the series where Flik is forced into a nonconsensual hetero act. She becomes involved with Tai Ho and/or Yam Koo later on, which means that she has pretty much the worst taste in men ever.


Suikodencast-tesla.jpg Nickname(s): none
Star: Chibun
Age: 31
First Appearance: Part 8

Another of Mathiu's former criminal friends. Also, another person who attempted to get away from it all via a transparent name change. Ironically, Mathiu is the one who forces him into the Liberation Army, the big fucking hypocrite.


Suikodencast-esmeralda.jpg Nickname(s): none
Star: Chikai
Age: 22
First Appearance: Part 8

The game's biggest fag hag. Seriously, she hangs out with Milich at Penis Castle. She has some sort of psychosis which causes her to believe that the men of the Liberation Army would like to kidnap her because of her beauty. Right, and I look like Lulu.


Suikodencast-ivanov.jpg Nickname(s): none
Star: Chiyu
Age: 30
First Appearance: Part 8

Ivanov is a painter who was supposedly kidnapped and forced to be Milich's love slave and draw dirty Imperial fan art for him. In reality, his art style sucks and he doesn't seem to mind the whole love slave gig, the dirty liar.


Suikodencast-kasios.jpg Nickname(s): Casio
Star: Chiraku
Age: 23
First Appearance: Part 8

Okay, Sam told me this so it has to be true: Kasios is a guy. Yeah, a guy. In his spring green robes, pointy hat, and curly-toed shoes, he follows Milich around like a little bitch. Plus, he's a minstrel. Verdict: GAY.


Suikodencast-kasumi.jpg Nickname(s): none
Star: Chikyu
Age: 16
First Appearance: Part 9

A ninja girl from the super secret ninja village of Rokkaku. She comes to Penis Castle to beg for PUGGY!!!'s help against his dad. However, she develops a rather strong crush on our young hero. I think you see what's wrong with this picture.


Suikodencast-alen.jpg Nickname(s): none
Star: Chimou
Age: 25
First Appearance: Part 9

One of Teo's set of matching young knights -- the red one. Rather outspoken, to the point where he ends up pissing off Teo. He probably just likes to be punished. Like that.


Suikodencast-grenseal.jpg Nickname(s): none
Star: Chiki
Age: 24
First Appearance: Part 9

The second of Teo's set of matching young knights -- the green one. Not as outspoken as Alen, but just as gay for Teo. After Teo's death, he and Alen join up with PUGGY!!! where they fulfill their purpose as the Chiki and Chimou stars: to have as much gay buttsex as possible.


Suikodencast-melodye.jpg Nickname(s): none
Star: Chisa
Age: 15
First Appearance: Part 10

Melodye has a hidden power which can only be unlocked by the Sound Crystal. That power? To change the default sounds on the menu screen. Wow.


Suikodencast-sarah.jpg Nickname(s): none
Star: Chisou
Age: 19
First Appearance: Part 10

The laundress of Penis Castle. While her presence makes it much more feasible and less smelly for the characters to rewear the same outfit every day, she's still a woman. That means no sexy stripping shenanigans or washtub play.


Suikodencast-lester.jpg Nickname(s): none
Star: Chizou
Age: 39
First Appearance: Part 10

The second castle chef. Known for his creamy stew, which he provides to PUGGY!!! whenever the young man asks. Or begs, as the case may be.


Suikodencast-georges.jpg Nickname(s): none
Star: Chisatsu
Age: 25
First Appearance: Part 10

Ah, Georges. So much potential wasted. One of the few male members of the Lubrication Army who doesn't need to wear a bag over his head, he ruins it all by...well, running a minigame for starters. The slacker and stalker traits don't help his case, either.

Leon Silverberg

Suikodencast-leon.jpg Nickname(s): none
Star: Chikai
Age: 46
First Appearance: Part 10

Apparently he's a brilliant tactician and is related to Odessa and Mathiu. However, all PUGGY!!! knows about him at this point is that he hangs out in an abandoned, destroyed village dispensing free army-building advice. Who knows what other services he provides in his empty shack? He does have a porn star mustache, after all.


Suikodencast-blackman.jpg Nickname(s): Whiteman
Star: Chitou
Age: 44
First Appearance: Part 10

A farmer who hangs around the ruins of Kalekka, attempting to grow pot in the burned soil. He's going to make a fortune at Penis Castle.

Ronnie Bell

Suikodencast-ronniebell.jpg Nickname(s): none
Star: Chiaku
Age: 19
First Appearance: Part 10

A giant woman. We know this because the term 'giant woman' is used in reference to her about a zillion times. She works in the secret factory with the Fire Spears, so all in all, she's quite helpful to PUGGY!!!. But God damn, she's kind of a bitch.


Suikodencast-mose.jpg Nickname(s): none
Star: Chiziku
Age: 37
First Appearance: Part 10

One of the color-coordinated blacksmiths in the game. He provides PUGGY!!! with Fire Spears and just generally seems like a nice guy. Although his Hitler mustache and possible necrophilia make him undateable.

Kun To

Suikodencast-kunto.jpg Nickname(s): Cunto
Star: Tenfu
Age: 57
First Appearance: Part 10

Tai Ho's old buddy and a man with a most unfortunate name. He and Tai Ho were involved in illegal activities in the past -- shock! -- but now Kun To is a respectable...well, I don't know what he is, but he works with boats. Fascinating.


Suikodencast-kirke.jpg Nickname(s): none
Star: Chihei
Age: 26
First Appearance: Part 11

So he's this guy that PUGGY!!! randomly comes across who, like many other random characters that PUGGY!!! comes across, has no plot significance whatsoever. Kirke wastes no time in announcing his only talent -- cutting off heads -- and doesn't hide the fact that he considers himself a fairly shitty army recruit. On the contrary, PUGGY!!! already has a list of suitable candidates for Kirke's services.


Suikodencast-hix.jpg Nickname(s): none
Star: Tenrou
Age: 17
First Appearance: Part 11

On the surface, Hix seems like the perfect recruit for the Lubrication Army. He's young, not bad to look at, and wears a rockin' 80s headband. But then it all goes horribly wrong. Hix is a giant pussy, and on top of that, he seems to, well, love the pussy. That's right, Hix is a hetero. Well, if anyone can convert him, it's PUGGY!!!.


Suikodencast-tengaar.jpg Nickname(s): none
Star: Tensui
Age: 15
First Appearance: Part 11

Hix's girlfriend and possible beard (if PUGGY!!! has anything to say about it). Unlike her boy toy, she owns a rather large set of balls, figuratively speaking. She may or may not be into sparkly vampires.


Suikodencast-marco.jpg Nickname(s): none
Star: Chitai
Age: 13
First Appearance: Part 11

Okay, I really don't know what the hell this guy is supposed to be. I think he's either a kid or an old man, and with the crappiness of the character design, it could go either way. Really, it's not important because he's another minigame master. Unlike every other minigame master in the history of the Suikoden series, Marco's shell game seems to be rigged in PUGGY!!!'s favor. Tai Ho probably hates this guy.


Suikodencast-moose.jpg Nickname(s): none
Star: Chikyou
Age: 42
First Appearance: Part 11

The orange blacksmith. What more is there to say? Well, I do wonder if their matching names are a huge coincidence, or if these guys are all related. Actually, I don't really care what their deal is, since I can't even afford their services.


Suikodencast-fukien.jpg Nickname(s): Fuckien
Star: Chijyu
Age: 63
First Appearance: Part 12

He's the monk in charge of Qlon Temple. More importantly, he wears a necklace of giant red balls and tries to impress PUGGY!!! (in that way) with his psychic abilities. Sorry, PUGGY!!!'s not that desperate. Yet.


Suikodencast-morgan.jpg Nickname(s): none
Star: Chian
Age: 21
First Appearance: Part 12

A blind guy hanging out at Qlon Temple. I know that's not PC, but it's literally the only thing I know about the guy so far. Well, except for the fact that he has girl hair -- but that doesn't really set him apart in this game.


Suikodencast-hugo.jpg Nickname(s): none
Star: Chisui
Age: 18
First Appearance: Part 12

A librarian at Qlon Temple who becomes -- you guessed it -- the librarian at Penis Castle. He's going to be waiting a long time for PUGGY!!! to read any of his books. I mean that both literally and as a euphemism.


Suikodencast-zen.jpg Nickname(s): none
Star: Chikei
Age: 37
First Appearance: Part 12

Another guy who likes planting things in the dirt and playing with long-handled gardening equipment. Presumably he will be growing flowers at Penis Castle. Normally I would make a comment about how flowers are not a necessity for an army, but this is a Suikoden game.


Suikodencast-window.jpg Nickname(s): none
Star: Chisu
Age: 24
First Appearance: Part 12

The guy who makes it possible for me to change the look of the user interface, making it unreadable. He dresses like a gay magician, which is a point in his favor, but still manages to creep PUGGY!!! out.

Other characters


Suikodencast-kraze.jpg Nickname(s): none
Star: none
Age: 36
First Appearance: Part 1

He's PUGGY!!!'s superior in the Imperial Army. Of course he's a complete bastard, and his personality heavily implies that he has a tiny penis.


Suikodencast-kanaan.jpg Nickname(s): none
Star: none
Age: 33
First Appearance: Part 1

One of Kraze's asskissing cronies. He looks like a gay Saddam in a pink hat. Like Kraze, he is also a giant prick and has a tiny one.


Suikodencast-sanchez.jpg Nickname(s): Dirty Sanchez
Star: none
Age: 46
First Appearance: Part 2

You know the drill: Liberation Army. He's the guy who gives directions. Other than that, he seems like a nice guy, and totally undeserving of his, um, unique nickname.......so far.

Ain Gide

Suikodencast-aingide.jpg Nickname(s): none
Star: none
Age: 41
First Appearance: Part 3

He's one of PUGGY!!!'s dad's "old friends" and the commander of Kwaba Fortress. He's smart enough to see through PUGGY!!!'s false name of "Scholteheim Reinbach IV." That takes talent.


Suikodencast-zorak.jpg Nickname(s): none
Star: none
Age: 49
First Appearance: Part 11

Tengaar's dad and, of course, the chief of the Warrior[']s['] Village. This guy has serious diarrhea of the mouth, which may not seem all that unusual to you since he's a video game character. However, even among the other characters in this game, he's known for his tendency to not shut up, and that's some scary shit.


Suikodencast-neclord.jpg Nickname(s): The Count
Star: none
Age: ?
First Appearance: Part 11

This is the same runic vampire from Suikoden II, except this is his first appearance in the series. He's a creepy stalker who likes 14-year-old girls, which should make Twilight fans happy, except that he is no sparkling Adonis. Just the fact that he likes girls of any age makes him one of the most deviant characters in the game.

Star Dragon Sword

Suikodencast-sds.jpg Nickname(s): none
Star: none
Age: ?
First Appearance: Part 12

A smartass talking sword who happens to be the only weapon that can kill Neclord. It also serves as a time travel device, at least when it's convenient for the game designers. It also represents a penis.

Ted's Grandpa

Suikodencast-grandpa.jpg Nickname(s): Ned
Star: none
Age: ?
First Appearance: Part 12

Before PUGGY!!! had the Soul Eater rune and before Ted had the Soul Eater rune, Ted's Grandpa had the Soul Eater rune. Although he has great significance to the overall plot, the game designers didn't care enough to give him a name or even an individual sprite. He was forced to pass on the Soul Eater rune to Ted, but maybe he could have prevented that by naming the village something other than "Village of the Hidden Rune." Just a thought.


Suikodencast-yuber.jpg Nickname(s): none
Star: none
Age: ?
First Appearance: Part 12

An evil, black-armor-wearing non-human with fearful powers and a love of death and destruction. Naturally, he has long, flowing blond hair.