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Revision as of 22:16, 16 August 2012

Major characters


Ctcast-crono.jpg Nickname(s): Punk
Home Time: 1000 AD
First Appearance: Part 1

Typical mute teenager who wields a katana and ends up saving the world. He looks like Goku, thanks to Toriyama Akira, and kicks about as much ass. He lives at home with his Exposition!Mom, and his dad ran away years ago to live with his Venezuelan Love Slave. Maybe all the stress from coping with this separation explains Crono's penchant for kleptomania and beating up everybody in sight.


Ctcast-marle.jpg Nickname(s): M!Sue
Home Time: 1000 AD
First Appearance: Part 1

Tomboy princess who latches onto Crono at the Millennial Fair and soon after falls hopelessly in love with him. She carries a pendant that will become an integral part of the story in later recaps, and her "leap before you look" mentality results in lots of extra questing for me. I despise this girl.


Ctcast-lucca.jpg Nickname(s): Rosie
Home Time: 1000 AD
First Appearance: Part 1

As the Lovechild of McGyver and a Swiss Army knife, this girl is the plot device to end all plot devices. Need some exposition, translations of archaic texts, or even repairs on your technologically advanced robot? Look no further, as Lucca can do it all! She also has the obligatory "Nerdy Best Friend's Unrequited Love for the Hero" thing going on, but that pales in comparison to everything else she has working for her.


Ctcast-frog.jpg Nickname(s): Frogman
Home Time: 600 AD
First Appearance: Part 1

Frog is ... a frog. He joins Crono and Lucca to help save Leene, but after the job is done, he leaves the party to further his Tragic Backstory. He thinks Crono "hath the potential to be a great swordsman", which may or may not be his idea of a great pick-up line.


Ctcast-robo.jpg Nickname(s): Kosmo
Home Time: 2300 AD
First Appearance: Part 2

Whereas Lucca, even with her glasses, skintight miniskirt/leggings combo, and love of exposition, was able to avoid being labeled as a Shion knockoff, Robo was not so lucky. He was doomed to play the role of a male KOS-MOS before he had even blooped out his first line of dialogue. He's a robot that was found in 2300 AD's Proto Dome and joined the crew after Lucca fixed him. At least he doesn't sleep in a big black phallus.


Ctcast-ayla.jpg Nickname(s): Babs
First Appearance: Part 4

Ayla is a fierce warrior who leads the Ioka tribe in 65,000,000 BC. She kicks ass and takes names while keeping her hair perfectly manicured and her legs hairless and sexy, an essential skill for women in RPG's these days. Her fanbase includes: lipstick lesbians, straight guys, people that speak in broken English, and furries.


Ctcast-crono.jpg Nickname(s): none
First Appearance: Part 5

The bane of Cyrus and Glenn's one true love, Magus is an evil wizard who attempted to summon Lavos to his castle in 600 AD for some dark and sinister purpose that may or may not involve the end of the world. He's also a hard core rocker at heart, if his staff list is any indication.

Queen Zeal

Ctcast-queenzeal.jpg Nickname(s): none
First Appearance: Part 6

A corrupt queen. How original, Chrono Trigger. Leader of the "Enlightened Ones" of Zeal, the Queen has been poisoned by Lavos and is a general pain in the ass for everybody. Her subjects mostly are afraid of her, and even her kids don't like her.

Other characters

King Guardia XXI

Ctcast-kingxxi.jpg Nickname(s): none
First Appearance: Part 1

This guy is Marle's ancestor and the King of Guardia. He doesn't do much else besides get down and dirty with Leene.


Ctcast-chancellor.jpg Nickname(s): none
First Appearance: Part 1

If you ever see this guy, RUN AWAY, or he'll make life tough for you in any way possible. My personal opinion is that when ZZTop rejected him, claiming his beard wasn't of the right type, he turned to a life of crime. The Chancellor of 600 AD wears brown and the Chancellor of 1000 AD wears green, but don't be fooled. They're ALL bad news.


Ctcast-leene.jpg Nickname(s): none
First Appearance: Part 1

The woman who introduced the MarySue gene to the royal family. Her hobbies include being kidnapped and rescued, spouting exposition, and making babies. She is Marle's ancestor from the year 600 AD, and the two look exactly alike. Conveniently enough.

King Guardia XXXIII

Ctcast-kingxxxiii.jpg Nickname(s): none
First Appearance: Part 2

Marle's daddy. He disapproves of her odd clothes, tendency to sneak into town and latch on to strange young men, and other assorted un-Princess like qualities. Like any good RPG father figure, he is only important to the story when he is causing problems for all parties involved.


Ctcast-doan.jpg Nickname(s): ExposiDoan
First Appearance: Part 2

This guy is -- surprise! -- Marle's descendent in the year 2300 AD. He leads a group of people so desperate for food that they will trade a several thousand dollar jet bike for a couple of seeds. Obviously, we can see he got his intelligence from Marle. At least he doesn't look like her, too.

Old Man

Ctcast-oldman.jpg Nickname(s): none
First Appearance: Part 3

This old dude hangs out at the End of Time with a shape-shifting monster named Spekkio and greets all the random people that show up. Of his own free will. When not spouting random FortuneCookie! wisdom to young protagonists, he perfects the art of sleeping while standing. Clearly, this man is the life of any party and is to be revered as such.


Ctcast-spekkio.jpg Nickname(s): none
First Appearance: Part 3

The Spekkster is a shapeshifting monster that likes to spend his time chilling at the End of Time and taking long walks on the beach. He doles out the universe's Magic Powers to True Heroes and Random Strangers alike, so long as they pass his rigorous aerobic testing. In a completely unrelated turn of events, the reason that not everybody can have magical powers is because some people abused their gifts in the past. Thank goodness for this comprehensive safeguard to keep that from happening again.


Ctcast-melchior.jpg Nickname(s): none
First Appearance: Part 3

Mel lives on the outskirts of Medina Village with only his preciousss swordsss to keep him company. Previously seen in the Millennial Fair where he hit on Crono and tried, unsuccessfully, to buy Marle's pendant. I just didn't mention him because I'm lazy. Deal.


Ctcast-ozzie.jpg Nickname(s): The Prince of Darkness
First Appearance: Part 3

The years after the Black Sabbath and The Osbournes phenomena have found Ozzie a mess: he's let his figure go, the drugs have finally turned his skin green, and he's playing second fiddle to an even bigger baddie. He's fallen back on his undead groupies to get him through this hard time, though, and assumes the role of "That Boss that you Fight Over and Over and OVER" in Chrono Trigger.


Ctcast-toma.jpg Nickname(s): none
First Appearance: Part 4

Toma is an explorer in search of the legendary Rainbow Shell -- a fabulously colored spiraling shell belonging to the gayest snail in existence. The Shell is coveted as the only material capable of repelling evil magic, a must-have with Magus and his magical cronies running amok in 600 AD.


Ctcast-fiona.jpg Nickname(s): none
First Appearance: Part 4

Fiona's husband Marco was sent away to fight in the war against Magus, leaving Fiona to protect their forested estate until his return. She failed, and now their precious forest is a desert. I hope somebody with the ability to travel through time eventually helps her out with the reforestation; otherwise her husband might take away her shoes and confine her to the kitchen for all eternity. Which, as you know, was allowable in 600 AD. Ah, those were the days. Incidentally, I think Fiona is the only blonde person in the game not related to Marle.


Ctcast-tata.jpg Nickname(s): none
First Appearance: Part 4

Have medal, be hero, I always say. And clearly the rest of the world agrees with me, because as soon as Tata finds Frog's hero medal, he is named a "Legendary Hero" and totally goes along with the whole scam. Until he actually has to do something heroic, of course, and then the Trio ends up bailing him out. Wanker.


Ctcast-mune.jpg Nickname(s): none
First Appearance: Part 4

Mune is the younger of the Masa and Mune sword spirit symbolism combo. The two brothers serve as guardian spirits and avatars of the sword.


Ctcast-masa.jpg Nickname(s): none
First Appearance: Part 4

Masa is Mune's older brother. Long ago, Melchior somehow connected the two brothers with a ruby knife he had made, and after being exposed to Lavos, the knife became the Masamune. So, even though the brothers were alive before the Masamune was made, are they the Masamune's spirit? Real people? Fayth-like sacrifices? Do we even care? ...And for that matter, didn't it occur to Melchior that a sword that embodies two spirits would eventually break into two parts?


Ctcast-cyrus.jpg Nickname(s): none
First Appearance: Part 4

Cyrus was the knight whose milkshake brought all the boys to the yard until he was slain by Magus in battle. Queen Leene had an adulterous obsession with the knight, but his heart belonged to a youth named Glenn. Cyrus was also the head of Guardia's "Knights of the Square Table" and wielder of the Masamune. Yup, he's all that and a bag of reduced-carb chips.


Ctcast-kino.jpg Nickname(s): none
First Appearance: Part 4

Kino is the sad excuse for a man that Ayla winds up screwing. He's also the guy who diluted Ayla's coolness with his own wankery traits to eventually produce Marle. Haaaate.


Ctcast-azala.jpg Nickname(s): Dennis Rodman
First Appearance: Part 5

A nefarious reptilian mastermind running amok in 65 million BC, Azala is Ayla's sworn enemy. Since the Reptites have been around longer than "the apes," as Azala so fondly named the human race, he naturally thinks that the Reptites are destined to inherit the Earth. Somebody's in for a rude awakening...


Ctcast-flea.jpg Nickname(s): none
First Appearance: Part 5

Once playing Bass for The Red Hot Chili Peppers under the human name of "Michael Balzary," Flea has since given up his musical dreams to pursue his more deviant habits. And I'm not just talking about the evil kind of deviancy, either, if you catch my drift. Wink wink.


Ctcast-slash.jpg Nickname(s): none
First Appearance: Part 5

After his gigs with Guns 'n' Roses and Velvet Revolver fell through, Guitarist Saul Hudson found companionship in Magus' army and quickly rose to be one of his top generals. It's not all good though. I mean, just look at what they did to his fabulous hair!


Ctcast-dalton.jpg Nickname(s): none
First Appearance: Part 6

Dalton is Queen Zeal's advisor or lackey or something. He's got anger management issues and a full roster of Golem monsters at his disposal.


Ctcast-janus.jpg Nickname(s): none
First Appearance: Part 6

Janus is Queen Zeal's son, and Schala's younger sister. The inhabitants of Zeal all gossip that he doesn't have any magical skills, so he's obviously a late bloomer. Wouldn't it be funny if somehow he ended up being a really strong magician during the game?


Ctcast-schala.jpg Nickname(s): none
First Appearance: Part 6

Aside from being, like, super important to Chrono Cross's plot, Schala is a magical teenager who can "commune with the Mammon Machine" and is being used for nefarious purposes by her mother, the evil Queen Zeal. She's magically gifted, as friendly as a daisy and as pure as undriven snow, so you just know that something tragic and important is going to happen to her.