Category Archives: Updates

Happy 11th Birthday!

Holy crap, you guys, we are one year away from turning 12, which will be VGR’s…golden birthday or something. This has been a great year, because not only have there been a lot of new recaps, but Sam and I have also been planning some awesome stuff for this coming year. I won’t spoil it for you yet, and it’s totally not because this is a Larry Butz’s fake Canadian girlfriend situation. Stay tuned! And thanks so much for reading, those of you who have stuck around over the years.

So onto what we do have: four new recaps!
Wild Arms 3 Part 3 by Ben
Suikoden III Part 11 by Sam
Final Fantasy X-2 Part 9 by Sam
Skies of Arcadia Part 11 by Jeanne

Thanks so much to Ben and Sam for their awesome recaps!

And last but certainly not least, it’s time to unveil something new, that proves we haven’t just been slacking!


The VGR Wiki!

This is mostly Sam’s project, and she’s done a great job. She has moved all of the cast pages onto the wiki, which will be their permanent home. Also, she has been working on adding a glossary of recap terms, relationships, and tropes for each recapped game (with some help from me, Ben, and Ryan). There are still some pages under construction, but there is still a lot of entertaining content to check out. Just one note — unlike other wikis, we aren’t allowing just anyone to edit at the moment. Partially because we’re control freaks and partially because there are assholes (not you guys) that would ruin things.

Enjoy the recaps and the wiki, and thanks again for reading!

Suikoden II Part 12

Sam is on a motherfreakin’ roll. Suikoden II Part 12 is available for your reading pleasure.

In other news, I’ve added a Twitter sidebar widget so you can read all the random shit we have to say in 140 characters or less. Yes, most of the recappers have Twitter accounts, not that it took me a hell of a long time to post that information here or anything. In addition to our personal accounts, there is also a main @videogamerecaps account where I will be posting any and all updates, provided I remember.

Now back to my regularly scheduled procrastination…

Update: It seems I already broke the Twitter widget by adding a link or something. Awesome. Hopefully it will refresh and display some actual content soon.

Wild ARMs 3 Part 1

Ben continues to save my lazy ass, as he has contributed yet another hilarious recap to the site. I have been swamped with work, and it’s taken me well over a week to finally post this, so my apologies (once again) to Ben for the delay.

Anyway, those of you with working brains might notice that this is a brand new game…well, to the site anyway. And this recap is a long one. I know how much you guys like the long ones.

I hope to have another post sometime soon. Like in the next century. And yes, the last post was an April Fools joke. I obviously still think Edgeworth is gay. Come on, you guys, this is me we’re talking about here.

Wild ARMs Part 4

Oh my god, you guys, I am so happy that Ben is back with a new recap. We missed you, Ben!

Join him on another phallus-filled adventure in the land of Filgaia, which now has a new, VGR-appropriate nickname. Can you guess what it is? Read and find out!

Happy 8th Birthday!

It’s that time of year again! Now, I know I didn’t deliver on a lot of my promises from a year ago, and I apologize for that. I really wanted to get that site redesign done, but that just didn’t happen.

This year, I am making no promises and no goals for the site. I am still very invested in keeping the site going and creating as much new content as I can — rest assured that even though the updates are not as frequent as in the past, I am not bored with recapping. I still want to get caught up on my neglected recaps and I still want to redesign the site. If I get around to that, cool. If not, I won’t look like a huge jackass for making promises I didn’t keep.

So now that the bad stuff is out of the way, it’s time for the good stuff. Thanks again to everyone who is still around even though I’m slow with the updates. Thanks to the other recappers, even those of you who have unfortunately disappeared off the face of the internet (I miss you guys!). Thanks to everyone who has sent me supportive e-mails, who has commented on the site, and who has helped me out with Quick Quotes.

I have one recap for you today. It’s a short one, but size doesn’t matter, right? Not unless you’re in a gay fanfic, anyway. So enjoy Suikoden Part 11. Stay tuned for Part 12 in the near future.

Holy shit, I can’t believe this site is eight years old!