Tag Archives: site anniversary

Happy 14th Birthday!

Happy 14th birthday to VGR! We are one year closer to becoming adult British homos with small dicks who can’t get any!

First, the good stuff. Today’s birthday gift in honor of us all is a new recap from Sam of a new game — Kingdom Hearts II Part 1! It’s thematically appropriate for the site’s birthday, given that it is packed to the gills with 14-year-old boys. You’re welcome!

Although I haven’t made a ton of progress on the site update in the last year (as I predicted, since I am a wizard), I want to say thank you to Sam for doing the heavy lifting in terms of content. Your recaps continue to be fantastic and just the right level of disturbing. Thank you also to Ben — I am glad you are still alive and contributing hilarious recaps to the site.

As always, thank you to all the readers and commenters. Without you guys, we’re just three people writing up perverted video game commentary as a personal hobby. But your enjoyment of the recaps makes us slightly more legit and less creepy. Seriously, though, thanks for your support!

Happy 12th Birthday!

We made it! It’s finally here — VGR’s golden birthday! Now the site is officially as old as the sad 12-year-old recappers who write for it!

Thanks so much to my fellow recappers who have done such a fantastic job this year. Sam and Ben have done the brunt of the recapping work, and they are awesome. Speaking of which, they each have contributed a recap for the anniversary:

Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Part 11 by Sam finishes up the first Anal Attorney game! Plus, it breaks the record for longest recap on the site. Seriously, look at it.

Final Fantasy IV Part 5 by Ben continues the poorly-translated adventures of the most resilient cast ever. These fuckers just don’t stay dead.

As for the site redesign, it is well underway, but isn’t quite ready yet. I’ve been toiling away, coding WordPress like a motherfuck PLUS transferring all 271 recaps into the system. I’m targeting this summer, barring any unforeseen issues. So stay tuned for that!

Thanks again for reading, and for continuing to support the site!

Happy 10th Birthday!

Holy shit, you guys — VGR is ten years old. That’s a big, round, RPG-worthy number.

I have to leave for work soon, so that’s going to be my excuse for not writing a novel length gushy post here. Sure, I could have written it in advance, but — hey, look over there!

Anyway, thanks so much to Sam, Ben, and Ryan for all their awesome recaps this year. I’m so grateful to their many years of contributions to the site.

Thanks also to those of you who are still reading.

And last, but certainly not least…new recaps!

Wild ARMs 3 Part 2 by Ben
Xenosaga Part 13 by Sam

Congratulations to Sam for finishing the Xenosaga recap! I can’t even imagine what an ordeal that must have been, but it was an enjoyable ordeal for the rest of us, so hooray!

Happy 9th Birthday!

Hello again, everyone. Why yes, this is an actual new post. I have not, as you may have possibly suspected, been abducted and murdered by angry Cloud-loving fanboys or people who hate penises (or love them, but are afraid of how much they love them).

What I’m trying to say is, I know I’ve been absent for a very long time. And there is a real reason for it this time. So here’s the deal — last summer I finally got myself a full-time job. And this is a very, very good thing. It’s also a very, very tiring thing. For the first few months, I barely had enough energy to play video games, let alone try to come up with jokes about them that involve penises.

I’m still working on the whole work/life balance thing, trying to find time for all my hobbies that I didn’t have time for before I got the job. I wish I had some new content to post for the anniversary, but that didn’t happen. And lest you think the other recappers are lazy pieces of crap, I will point out that they also have their plates more than full right now.

But enough of that! VGR is nine years old! Hooray! All our old content is still there to read and enjoy, even if the new content has been…sparse. Thanks again to everyone for reading and contributing.

At the very least, I’ll post again at our tenth anniversary…

Happy 8th Birthday!

It’s that time of year again! Now, I know I didn’t deliver on a lot of my promises from a year ago, and I apologize for that. I really wanted to get that site redesign done, but that just didn’t happen.

This year, I am making no promises and no goals for the site. I am still very invested in keeping the site going and creating as much new content as I can — rest assured that even though the updates are not as frequent as in the past, I am not bored with recapping. I still want to get caught up on my neglected recaps and I still want to redesign the site. If I get around to that, cool. If not, I won’t look like a huge jackass for making promises I didn’t keep.

So now that the bad stuff is out of the way, it’s time for the good stuff. Thanks again to everyone who is still around even though I’m slow with the updates. Thanks to the other recappers, even those of you who have unfortunately disappeared off the face of the internet (I miss you guys!). Thanks to everyone who has sent me supportive e-mails, who has commented on the site, and who has helped me out with Quick Quotes.

I have one recap for you today. It’s a short one, but size doesn’t matter, right? Not unless you’re in a gay fanfic, anyway. So enjoy Suikoden Part 11. Stay tuned for Part 12 in the near future.

Holy shit, I can’t believe this site is eight years old!