Suikoden II Part 12

Sam is on a motherfreakin’ roll. Suikoden II Part 12 is available for your reading pleasure.

In other news, I’ve added a Twitter sidebar widget so you can read all the random shit we have to say in 140 characters or less. Yes, most of the recappers have Twitter accounts, not that it took me a hell of a long time to post that information here or anything. In addition to our personal accounts, there is also a main @videogamerecaps account where I will be posting any and all updates, provided I remember.

Now back to my regularly scheduled procrastination…

Update: It seems I already broke the Twitter widget by adding a link or something. Awesome. Hopefully it will refresh and display some actual content soon.

7 thoughts on “Suikoden II Part 12

  1. TsuNoBa

    Hooray! I’ve been dying to find out what happens in this game. I tried looking up a Let’s Play of it so that, if nothing else, I would have specific scenes to look forward to, but for some bizarre reason, it just wasn’t the same because his name wasn’t Barry. I’d play it myself and name him that, but that would require PSN to friggin’ sell the game like they did the first one.

    Back on topic, the only bad thing is that I’ve forgotten a lot of stuff, so I’m gonna have to re-read all the recaps. Which is only bad because I don’t have the time to read it right now.

  2. Ben

    Too, too funny, as always. I didn’t realize how much I’d missed reading about Barry’s Gay Adventures.

    And if it makes you feel any better, I totally never noticed Yu Kum until now either. When it comes down to it, looks like the game designers (or the translators) are just as perverted as we are.

  3. Sam

    Glad you like it, guys. 🙂

    I kind of want to look up the other chefs’ names on GameFAQs to see if there are any other hilarious ones, but Yu Kum was such a delightful surprise. And I didn’t think anything about this game could surprise me anymore.

  4. TsuNoBa

    So, having caught up (and finally getting around to reviewing), I have to say that not only did I enjoy it, but I’ve been amusing myself for the last few days on what was probably a throwaway joke on your part.

    And yet, the concept for the show “Bracing Tincture” (combined with the name itself) just make me laugh.

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