Category Archives: Announcements

Happy 11th Birthday!

Holy crap, you guys, we are one year away from turning 12, which will be VGR’s…golden birthday or something. This has been a great year, because not only have there been a lot of new recaps, but Sam and I have also been planning some awesome stuff for this coming year. I won’t spoil it for you yet, and it’s totally not because this is a Larry Butz’s fake Canadian girlfriend situation. Stay tuned! And thanks so much for reading, those of you who have stuck around over the years.

So onto what we do have: four new recaps!
Wild Arms 3 Part 3 by Ben
Suikoden III Part 11 by Sam
Final Fantasy X-2 Part 9 by Sam
Skies of Arcadia Part 11 by Jeanne

Thanks so much to Ben and Sam for their awesome recaps!

And last but certainly not least, it’s time to unveil something new, that proves we haven’t just been slacking!


The VGR Wiki!

This is mostly Sam’s project, and she’s done a great job. She has moved all of the cast pages onto the wiki, which will be their permanent home. Also, she has been working on adding a glossary of recap terms, relationships, and tropes for each recapped game (with some help from me, Ben, and Ryan). There are still some pages under construction, but there is still a lot of entertaining content to check out. Just one note — unlike other wikis, we aren’t allowing just anyone to edit at the moment. Partially because we’re control freaks and partially because there are assholes (not you guys) that would ruin things.

Enjoy the recaps and the wiki, and thanks again for reading!


Okay, I was doing some routine site maintenance and clearing out spam and spam accounts, and it looks like I may have accidentally deleted some actual user accounts. And naturally, I didn’t bother to back up the database before any of this for I am awesome.

So if you are unable to log in with your credentials, it’s probably my fault, and you’ll need to re-register in order to comment. Sorry about that.

Happy 10th Birthday!

Holy shit, you guys — VGR is ten years old. That’s a big, round, RPG-worthy number.

I have to leave for work soon, so that’s going to be my excuse for not writing a novel length gushy post here. Sure, I could have written it in advance, but — hey, look over there!

Anyway, thanks so much to Sam, Ben, and Ryan for all their awesome recaps this year. I’m so grateful to their many years of contributions to the site.

Thanks also to those of you who are still reading.

And last, but certainly not least…new recaps!

Wild ARMs 3 Part 2 by Ben
Xenosaga Part 13 by Sam

Congratulations to Sam for finishing the Xenosaga recap! I can’t even imagine what an ordeal that must have been, but it was an enjoyable ordeal for the rest of us, so hooray!

WordPress Upgrade

I’m attempting to do a WordPress upgrade today. Hopefully nothing horrible will happen.

Update: WordPress upgrade complete. Let me know if anything doesn’t work.

Happy 9th Birthday!

Hello again, everyone. Why yes, this is an actual new post. I have not, as you may have possibly suspected, been abducted and murdered by angry Cloud-loving fanboys or people who hate penises (or love them, but are afraid of how much they love them).

What I’m trying to say is, I know I’ve been absent for a very long time. And there is a real reason for it this time. So here’s the deal — last summer I finally got myself a full-time job. And this is a very, very good thing. It’s also a very, very tiring thing. For the first few months, I barely had enough energy to play video games, let alone try to come up with jokes about them that involve penises.

I’m still working on the whole work/life balance thing, trying to find time for all my hobbies that I didn’t have time for before I got the job. I wish I had some new content to post for the anniversary, but that didn’t happen. And lest you think the other recappers are lazy pieces of crap, I will point out that they also have their plates more than full right now.

But enough of that! VGR is nine years old! Hooray! All our old content is still there to read and enjoy, even if the new content has been…sparse. Thanks again to everyone for reading and contributing.

At the very least, I’ll post again at our tenth anniversary…