Category Archives: Announcements

Happy 13th Birthday!

Happy birthday to VGR! Without some kind of magical time machine, it is now impossible for us to be 12-year-old British homos who whack off too much and can’t get any. I guess we are now 13-year-old British homos who whack off too much and can’t get any!

Obviously the big news is that the new site is, um, mostly done. It is completely transferred over to WordPress and is no longer made up of crusty old table-based HTML. The current design isn’t intended to be permanent — which means I’ll probably get around to an actual redesign in another decade — but it should at least be readable. I transferred all existing user accounts and comments over as well, so you shouldn’t have to change anything. I did a ton of work on the back end. That’s what Phoenix said. Anyway, the new site is a work in progress (it’s a beta!), so stay tuned, even if it takes me another couple of decades to finish it.

In other awesome news, Sam has completed the first two recaps for Xenosaga II!
* Part 1
* Part 2

Thanks so much to Sam for keeping VGR going with her amazing recaps! Also a big thank you to Ben and Ryan who have contributed so much to the site!

And of course thank you to all of you who continue to read and enjoy the recaps!

(Note: You’ll notice that some stuff, including articles and some recaps, didn’t make it over to the new site. You can still access them on the old site. Also, I won’t be transferring any more comments over from the old site because it’s kind of a pain, so if you want to comment, please do so on the new/beta site. Thanks again!)

Happy New Year!

(Quick note: I just did a spam purge, and may have lost some non-spam comments in the process. If your comment was lost, I apologize!)

Hope you all have had a nice holiday, and received all the PSN outage time your hearts desired.

After some holiday time of my own with no opportunity to write anything, there should be some new recaps soon. In the meantime, consider this an open thread to talk about anything you’ve been playing lately.What is the deal with that Varric guy in Dragon Age having to expose his chest all the time?


*wolf whistles*


Happy 12th Birthday!

We made it! It’s finally here — VGR’s golden birthday! Now the site is officially as old as the sad 12-year-old recappers who write for it!

Thanks so much to my fellow recappers who have done such a fantastic job this year. Sam and Ben have done the brunt of the recapping work, and they are awesome. Speaking of which, they each have contributed a recap for the anniversary:

Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Part 11 by Sam finishes up the first Anal Attorney game! Plus, it breaks the record for longest recap on the site. Seriously, look at it.

Final Fantasy IV Part 5 by Ben continues the poorly-translated adventures of the most resilient cast ever. These fuckers just don’t stay dead.

As for the site redesign, it is well underway, but isn’t quite ready yet. I’ve been toiling away, coding WordPress like a motherfuck PLUS transferring all 271 recaps into the system. I’m targeting this summer, barring any unforeseen issues. So stay tuned for that!

Thanks again for reading, and for continuing to support the site!

VGR Crossing

Hey y’all. I’m currently in the middle of yet another grueling Suikoden II double recap, which I was hoping to have done by the end of this month, but thanks to starting it way later than I should have, I’m totally not going to make it. So, ugh, bummer, it’ll be probably be done in August.

In the meantime, if you are not already, you should be following us on Twitter for, among other things, ANIMAL CROSSING ADVENTURES. I somehow suckered my fellow recappers into playing New Leaf, and it’s been a great time. Follow vgr_sam, vgr_jeanne, vgr_ben, and vgr_ryan to see what we’re up to in our respective towns. Spoiler: most of our neighbors are stalkers and/or pedophiles, and we’re putting penises on stuff.

And consider this an open thread for talking about AC:NL. Or whatever you want, really. Play anything good lately? Anybody else playing the Civ V: Brave New World?

Forum shutdown

Since the forums have been inactive for a long time, I’ve decided to shut them down. The server host is disabling all older databases next week, so I figured this is as good a time as any to officially archive them. I have the forums backed up, so nothing is really lost.

If you want to comment on the site or the recaps or ask us any questions, please use the blog comments. Thanks!