Kingdom Hearts II part 3

Happy 2018, folks! May we all have a slightly better year than the last one.

Sadly, I am starting mine off with the return of Junior to Kingdom Hearts II, so my 2018 is already off on the wrong foot. But you all should enjoy the recap nonetheless!

4 thoughts on “Kingdom Hearts II part 3

  1. demidaemon

    The more parts of this recap you post, the more I agree that Roxas would be the better protagonist. I also love your point about Seifer and Squall, because I totally had that thought when I played KH2.

    Also, Aqua will always be the best yet most shafted hero in this series.

    1. Sam Post author

      I’m not even sure I want him to be the protagonist (that would mean hanging out with Donald and Goofy, and doing awful minigames, and so on). I’d be fine if he just didn’t disappear into the abyss and got to, like, hang out on a beach with his stupid friends.

      1. demidaemon

        While I think the second option would be great (especially if Axel is there with lots of shirtless swimming and suntan lotion–sorry starting a fanfic here), the first does not sound that much different from the actual game with Junior.

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