Suikoden II : Part 4

By Sam
Posted 03.13.03
Pg. 1 : 2 : 3

The guard must be a different random City-State soldier, because he doesn’t show any signs of recognizing our heroes, who did make quite the scene last time. He tells them to get lost unless they have an entry permit, but Nanami, in a fine display of overacting, wiggles up to him and shoves the borrowed document in his face. The guard looks over the permit and first asks which one of them is Lloyd. Barry plays it cool: “Ahem, I am.” Imagine the smooth bass voice, everyone. Next the guard asks for Hilda, which gives Nanami the opportunity to pretend she’s something other than a 16-year-old tomboy. This involves her acting really haughty and shaking her hips a lot. Ha. Lastly the guard asks for Pete to identify himself. Jowy can’t act to save his life, so Nanami, not breaking character AT ALL, walks over to her “six-year-old son” and elbows him hard in the ribs. Way to keep a low profile, Nanami. Jowy coughs, “I’m Pete,” but it’s too late, since the guard probably knew from the beginning that they weren’t who they said they were. He whistles for his fellow guards and the group is surrounded before you can say “yaoi.”

'Do you really want me to show you?'

‘Do you really want me to show you?’

Fade in on nighttime in a small prison cell. The guard opens the door on Barry, Jowy, Nanami, and Lassie, tells them to simmer down for the night, and slams the door again. Well, at least they got into Muse. Once the guard is gone, Jowy and Nanami get into it because each one thinks the other did a terrible job acting. Nanami insists she acted just like a 28-year-old woman, which is strange because Hilda is officially 33. But since I’ve given up on the writing staff at KoA, I’ll let that one go. Jowy and Nanami bicker for a while before turning to Barry, because he is the supreme judge of everything, ever. Barry tells them Nanami was the better actor, since, well, overacting is better than no acting. Jowy’s sad that his boyfriend didn’t enjoy his “acting,” but don’t worry, fans of Barry x Jowy goodness: they’ll kiss and make up in just a second.

Later that night, while Nanami and Lassie sleep peacefully, Barry wakes up to find Jowy staring out the window at the full moon. Barry approaches him and asks if he’s having trouble sleeping, to which Jowy doesn’t reply, but instead asks Barry to look at the moon with him. Cut to their POV, looking out the window. Right now I’d like everyone to go to this site and read #125. Thank you.

In the game a sweet, sad melody is playing throughout this exchange, but I’m recapping this while listening to my own music collection, and right when this scene starts, Auron’s Porno Theme cues up on Winamp. Even the Playlist Shuffle Gods want these two to do it. Anyway. Jowy’s been spending a lot of time reflecting on their situation, and how it all started with their escape from Highland. Remember that? Yeah, neither do I. Thank God the writers chose to remind us. Jowy admits to Barry that the vision of their childhood they saw in Toto Village reminded him of how jealous he was of Barry and Nanami back then, because they had a true family, and not just an apathetic group of blood relations like he had. Jowy’s always wanted that feeling of familial love (don’t be sick). Are you getting sick of hearing about this particular story theme? Well, settle down, because we are far, FAR from finished with it. Jowy admits to spying on them before they were friends, and recalls that Barry was the one to hit on him talk to him first. This is all very cute, but we’ve seen it for ourselves, thanks.

Jowy then becomes the second person to ask Barry if they’ll ever return to their hometown. Barry reassures his companion, in the hopes that he’ll just shut up and bend over. Nothin’ doin’, unfortunately. Jowy’s got serious diarrhea of the mouth in this scene, so he continues to ramble on about wanting to protect the ones he loves from evil bastards like Prince Adolf, so maybe they can all go back to Kyaro and open a dojo together and live happily ever after. Barry for a moment turns to teen love mush, but then he realizes Jowy’s talking about protecting Lassie. Shit.

' ...Now come here and let's snuggle.'

‘ …Now come here and let’s snuggle.’

While Barry contemplates the best item of clothing on his person which could be used for gagging Jowy (the yellow scarf, perhaps?) Jowy finally says that he just wants the war to end, so children like Lassie don’t have to live in fear. Oh, and so he and Barry never have to join the army again. Yeah, that “Don’t ask, don’t tell” policy must really suck for them. The scene fades to black, so maybe Barry’s rampant sexual desire will at long last be satiated.

Back to normal view, and Lassie wakes up just in time to miss all the “fun.” Well, I imagine she did, but then again I’m a pervert. Jowy apologizes to her for being so noisy (?!) and gently pushes her back down onto the bed. It should be noted, too, that Lassie and Nanami are sharing a bed. Which means one other bed for our heroes. Thank you ever so much, game designers. For once, you’ve done right by me.

The next morning they’re roused by the guard, accompanied by our old buddies Bear and Flik. Bear thinks it’s just hilarious that they (and by extension, I) had to work so hard to bust into the city. The two once again express relief that they’re all okay, even though once again, they did jack freaking shit to look for Barry and Jowy or help them out. Whatever. Bear tells them to go hang for a while at Leona’s new tavern in town, and then to meet him at City Hall. He wants to introduce them to someone. Nanami just has to be included in everything, so Bear tells her she can tag along, too. He gives them directions to City Hall before taking off with Flik. And now the Muse fun can begin.

Or not. I’m pretty tired of writing and this recap needs to end, like, now. I sincerely apologize for lying to you VGR faithful–I promised Yellow Pants Goodness in this recap and I failed to deliver. But I swear that in part 5 we’ll get all the fashion nightmares we can stand, including the yellow pants, an aqua head scarf, and even the return of the little boy with his hair in a bun. Oh, and some important plot stuff might go down, too; I’ll have to check into that. Thanks for reading, and see you next time!