Phoenix Wright JFA Part 1!

I’m so excited to introduce one more new game to VGR before the holidays! Please enjoy the first recap of Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney: Justice for All! And Merry Christmas, everyone!

10 thoughts on “Phoenix Wright JFA Part 1!

  1. MintWhelp


    Second best Xmas present ever!!!

    Thank you Sam, and thank you, all of you VGR staff and readers! Have a nice holiday period, either enjoying with the family or by yourself, or with friends and non-blood-related loved ones, or even imaginary friends and loved ones!

    Once again, thanks VGR, for your continued existance, that has brought me unbridled joy! Unlike Edgeworth, who I am sure is QUITE accostumed to using bridles, FOR SOME REASON.

  2. demidaemon

    This was pure unbridled awesomeness. I have never considered the possibility of a Prince/Gumshoe relationship. Clearly my VGR experience has not been complete enough to accurately see the gayness in every situation. I bow down to the masters.

    The next case should be very interesting!

  3. Mr.Megaton

    Ooh, the second Phoenix Wright game. Time for another round with some of the dumbest but still strangely charismatic characters in gaming history!

    You know I always had trouble remembering which game is which when looking at the subtitles. I sometimes mistake “Justice for All” for the third game. It definitely sounds very “last game”-y to me (well, last game in the original trilogy, at least).

    You know, I actually find amnesia to be a reasonable excuse to have a tutorial in a direct sequel with the same protagonist. Better than him suddenly needing all this stuff explained to him again for no discernable reason whatsoever. (The player might need it explained if they didn’t play the first game, but the characters don’t.)

  4. Cat

    Sweet! More annoyance with the anal attorneys! And this was the first game of the series I actually played, after reading the initial three recaps of the first game. (I honestly thought, “Come on, it can’t be THIS bad” … but it was.) Course, now I dread the PoS that is 2-4. Oh, god, and 3-5! But that isn’t for some time.

    “But trust me, we’ve gotta squeeze in the Phoenix/Edgeworth innuendo where we can this time around.”
    Oh, don’t I know it. One reason why I had such difficult caring in Apollo Justice: Anal Attorney-Expy was because Edgey was not there…

    “He developed this all-encompassing plot amnesia”
    Ach, Plot Mandatory Amnesia. How I hate you for your stupidity. I mean, yes, this was my first game. But this game isn’t THAT difficult to figure out. And it’s not like the controls are very complex or require precisie motor skills. (And the tutorial excuse in the third game is worse…)

    “So the narrative here is that Dustin Prince died instantly from the impact, which, judging from the crime photo, was not even close to a lethal fall distance. Let’s just file that away for now.”
    Urgh, this case was SO filled with problems, I could have gotten a mistrial days before, just by being that whacky peanut gallery member who throws a temper tantrum and bursts into courtroom like Larry Butz did in Edgey’s trial. I know it’s an AA case AND it’s the tutorial case, but… just cause it’s tutorial doesn’t mean you can just throw shit at the wall and see what gets stuck in the space between the tiles…!

    Dang! I only have water next to me! What the hell! *chugs some water*

    “But I’m sure you smart people have also deduced that a man who died on impact from a snapped neck did not exactly have time to scratch his non-girlfriend’s name into the dirt by his head.”
    *breaks down in tears at the frustration this case caused her because of that*

    “what with expecting us to believe a dude who died instantly also was able to scratch out someone’s name near his head.”
    I think the game expecting us to buy Karma’s stupid theory of Edgey shooting a guy with a gun in his left hand, wiping his prints and then picking it up again with his right hand was dumber…

    “This game takes place in 2017. What the fuck is a phone booth?”
    I’d wonder that myself, but this world still uses polaroid cameras and uses black-white pictures, as well as MIDI-format ringtones.

    “And now, for no reason, I’m picturing Phoenix and Edgeworth matryoshka dolls that have progressively less clothing as you open each one, until the smallest one in the center is naked. That went to a weird place.”

    “Unless, like in the police evidence room, they’re all on a swivel, and were turned away looking at the Blue Badger while Phoenix got brained.”
    Sadly, this would make sense…

    “And how did he not realize he had the wrong one when Maya kept calling Phoenix’s phone earlier, setting off the wrong ringtone?”
    I wondered this myself and almost felt like giving the game the benefit of the doubt and think Wellington might have turned it silent after erasing data, BUT… that would imply common politeness and Welly does not have that.

    “the dumbest plot twists this entire series has or ever will perpetrate.”
    I disagree. 3-5 had its share of (way too obvious) plot twists that were worse.

    “The game designers wouldn’t be so repetitive as to make the second case a Maya Fey murder trial again!”
    Ahahahaha! Oh, Sam, you so funny! They’d never make a stick of a character repeatedly being tried for murder.

  5. Accidentally The Sun

    I just finished this one last night – stayed up wayyyy later than I meant to. Totally worth it, especially when stuck-up hipster silver spoon doucheweed started choking himself. Also, as stupid as the case was (MATCHING CELL PHONES), I almost felt sadly pleased with myself for being able to keep up with it the whole time. Compared to those later cases in the first game… this seemed relatively (RELATIVELY) easy-to-follow. And straightforward. And, well, dumb. Of course Gumshoe’s into chicks. He’s also very competent and revered.

    1. Cat

      While I overall try to give the tutorial cases lenience, since they are supposed to be tutorials and easy, I think 2-1 was just… insultingly easy. Any semi-competent lawyer (or any person with an iota of common sense) would have been able to get this case shut as a mistrial within 5 minutes on the first day. Tutorial case, fine, but this was just bad. The amnesia was a piss-poor excuse for a tutorial being shoved onto the player and everything about it was just… fourth worst case, in my opinion, of the AA games.

      Though none of the later cases are that difficult. In fact, they are just as bad and stupid and way too easy to figure out. (List of my worst AA cases are 3-5, 2-4, 1-5, 2-1 and final case of the Edgey game, in order. And the last one only because of the dang filibuster at the end.)

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