Lunar: Silver Star Story Part 9

The latest Lunar recap by Sam is now up. I’m trying to think up something snappy to say about it, and I was going to go with something along the lines of “this one is really flaming” but then I realized that’s pretty much every recap on the site. It’s still hilarious and, yes, full of flames of all kinds.

(In case you missed the last post, I’m shutting down the forums. Apparently there’s also some kind of security issue where one of the PHP pages is sending out spam mails. How awesome!)

2 thoughts on “Lunar: Silver Star Story Part 9

  1. demidaemon

    I have to say that Sam here is making lemonade out of lemons in one of the dullest, most irritating parts of this game (I recently played the updated PSP version, so I remember this section vividly). Still, the vegetable garden imagery isn’t what I though of it originally, so kudoes on extending my vision of that part of the game:

    “To the north is another giant carrot that Squeak insists doesn’t smell like the other nasty ones. Kyle decides this means it must taste great, and shouts, “C’mon, Alex! Let’s chow down!” Yes, Kyle and Alex should absolutely go to town on the giant carrot. I approve of this. When Kyle starts making orgasmic noises like a Food Network chef, Jessica complains that he’s going to have “stomach cramps” and wonders if it’s “fermented,” since Kyle is so enthusiastic about it. Yes, Kyle is basically making love to a huge dong with his mouth and Jess is bent out of shape that he likes it better than he likes her and her IUD necklace. Good grief.”

    I also think you outdid yourself with the captions and screenshots this time!

  2. Sam

    Thanks. 🙂 Totally agreed this is a dull-as-dirt portion of the game. I already taped for the next one and it was a lot more fun.

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