Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Part 7

The latest Phoenix Wright recap by Sam is now up, and it’s her longest one yet. I think we should all give Sam a major round of applause for making it through a recap with not one, but two of the most irritating witnesses in Anal Attorney history, without ending up in a mental institution or developing an alcohol problem. Congrats, Sam!

4 thoughts on “Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Part 7

  1. MintWhelp

    Awesome recap, as always, you peoples.

    Ahh, and to think that the recap of this game is almost over. Will you folks recap the rest of the PW games? Feel free to shun me if you have answered this question beforehand.

  2. Xyrafhoan

    I haven’t laughed so hard in a long time. That was just too funny. I think Sam owes some adult diapers to her readers at times.

  3. Cat

    I absolutely love your recaps of AA – the homosexual jokes you made caused me to start playing the games. I admit I was a bit surprised to see that the text actually is just as full of homosexual jokes as your recaps do them.
    And I did this part of the 4th Case a few times as well and it’s absolutely boring… Oooh, since you’ll do the second game, I can’t wait to see your reactions to Case 2-4 and Phoenix’ lack of balls.

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