Not Penis!

Hi diddly ho diddly, anybody who still checks the VGR main page!

I bet you are all hoping that this post is going to serve as an announcement that the Chrono Trigger/Valkyrie Profile/Final Fantasy 6 recaps have been taken off the inactive roster. Would that I could, friends.

It’s actually another post about funny body parts!

So, I don’t know if I’m the only person who hasn’t jumped on the BitTorrent train yet, or what, but anytime I hear a new song that I don’t want to buy, I usually head over to YouTube and listen to somebody else’s pirated version of the song to get my fix. It turns out that there are people out there with dedication enough to rip music from CDs, radio, etc, and turn specific songs and hit singles into little videos and then share them with the world. This is, it must be said, fairly convenient for those of us unwilling to commit whole slog to the Internet Pirate lifestyle.

However, some people go way beyond what I would consider ‘normal’ in making their little videos. Way, waaaaaay beyond normal. And into scarily awesomely bad.

All this goes toward explaining how I found this video:

And no, I wasn’t YouTube-searching for “Sir Mix-a-Lot slash Fran”. I was actually searching for that song Pink sang at the VMAs about a month ago to email to a friend (which, I readily admit, is just as bad), and a final fantasy music video remix of the song was one of the hits.

And then from there it was like a train wreck; I couldn’t stop myself from looking. In short order, I found the assterpiece you see above and knew I had no choice but to post it. Enjoy.

5 thoughts on “Not Penis!

  1. TsuNoBa

    Oh, dear God.

    I’ll skip my AMV/GMV rant, and instead say WOW. That…uh…wow. XD I don’t think that’s a good “wow” either. I’m just not sure, though, despite being the one to say it.

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