Maybe VGR needs a new logo…

This link is not game-related, but is a perfect test to see if VGR has converted you into a 12-year-old gay British homo who can’t get any. Technically, it’s safe for work, but you might want to be careful just in case.

Unfortunate Company Logos

My question to you is: when you looked at these, did you see the…um…”unfortunate” version first, or did it take you a moment? Are you a true VGR-ite, or do we need to try harder to corrupt you?

17 thoughts on “Maybe VGR needs a new logo…

  1. CTrunks

    Wow, I caught onto nearly all of them at once, the only one that didn’t click instantly being the ass-containers. I think I’m corrupt enough, right?

  2. Albedo667

    It took a long time for the Jass Classes one to get through my head. Had to focus on another image to see it the correct VGR way. Am I corrupt enough for you?

  3. AirAce

    Most of them were quite clearly Unfortant. I shared it with two friends! 😛 Sadly a couple I had to give it a moment to get.

    My only excuse: I had a long day on a bus with no nap time.. yeah…

  4. TsuNoBa

    Some were immediate, some took a second.

    I spent a moment trying to figure out what the Jazz was supposed to be. I finally had to look at the caption. Because I totally did not see people there.

    Still don’t get the USA logo and the “China Top Brand” thing.

    Damn, I guess I’m gonna have to read more recaps to fix this problem.

  5. Kuriboh

    You owe me a new monitor – I spat coke all over this one. (and I mean coke the drink, not coke the Game Designer’s best friend)

  6. Albedo667

    The Chinese one has a logo that looks much like the Nazi SS. Didn’t you guys learn anything in history class?

  7. Michael

    I SORT-OF get the Nazi SS, and that did cross my mind, but I don’t think it’s “unfortunate.” I still don’t get the USA network one. The last one took me awhile. I’m so ashamed of myself!

  8. inutilus

    Ahahaha. Maybe VGR is not penisy enough compared to some of these?

    (I’m pretty sure my mom got me from a Kidsexchange.)

    …Naah. Some of these aren’t penisy enough for VGR. Though that pediatric one comes close, I think. >.>

  9. Dais

    The only one I’m not quite sure of is the USA one. The rest were rather obvious. Now, considering these logos were likely designed by professionals, it makes you wonder if they made them look like this just to see if they could get away with it.

    Either that, or they were doing drugs.

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