Happy 8th Birthday!

It’s that time of year again! Now, I know I didn’t deliver on a lot of my promises from a year ago, and I apologize for that. I really wanted to get that site redesign done, but that just didn’t happen.

This year, I am making no promises and no goals for the site. I am still very invested in keeping the site going and creating as much new content as I can — rest assured that even though the updates are not as frequent as in the past, I am not bored with recapping. I still want to get caught up on my neglected recaps and I still want to redesign the site. If I get around to that, cool. If not, I won’t look like a huge jackass for making promises I didn’t keep.

So now that the bad stuff is out of the way, it’s time for the good stuff. Thanks again to everyone who is still around even though I’m slow with the updates. Thanks to the other recappers, even those of you who have unfortunately disappeared off the face of the internet (I miss you guys!). Thanks to everyone who has sent me supportive e-mails, who has commented on the site, and who has helped me out with Quick Quotes.

I have one recap for you today. It’s a short one, but size doesn’t matter, right? Not unless you’re in a gay fanfic, anyway. So enjoy Suikoden Part 11. Stay tuned for Part 12 in the near future.

Holy shit, I can’t believe this site is eight years old!

6 thoughts on “Happy 8th Birthday!

  1. Kelly

    Happy Birthday, VGR! I’m so glad that Jeanne, Sam, Ben and Ryan have been a part of my life both online and offline for the last eight years.

  2. Ben

    Happy 8th Birthday! I can hardly believe it’s been another year already. I know I haven’t been around in…well, forever, for which I can’t apologize enough. I miss you all (not to mention recapping) but it’s great to see VGR is still going strong and that the recaps are as hilarious as ever. Hopefully the next few weeks will see me finally manage to finish the one I started last year…

  3. MintWhelp

    Huh, I thought that the whole “add a blog entry thingy” was the site redesigning. Comes to show, I’m just very out of the loop nowadays.

    Anyways, salutations and congratulations on the site’s 8th anniversary. May the gay and penis jokes never get old!


  4. Karasu Inoue

    Woot! Happy Birthday VGR! I’ve been lurking here for years; it’s about time I registered and started commenting and such huh? Jeanne you are amazing! I really hope to see this site grow even more in the future. I’m loving the Tales of Symphonia Recaps at the moment!

    Comment, Comment, and blah!

  5. Blockmind

    Happy birthday, VGR!

    I’ve been a constant reader for years and years now and I still check this site religiously.


  6. Sam

    Happy anniversary to VGR! Me being a day late in commenting on this is nothing compared to what I was supposed to have ready yesterday!

    (i.e., recap incoming soonish)

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