Tales of Symphonia Part 4

Now that the post-holiday non-fun catch-up is complete, I finally got around to editing and posting the next Tales of Symphonia recap. In this installment, Lloyd is dumb, foreshadowing is clumsy, dialogue is repeated, plot points are contradicted, and I am ready to jump off a cliff. That doesn’t narrow it down, so I’ll specify that I’m talking about Part 4. You know, like it says in the title of the post? You people need to pay more attention.

One thought on “Tales of Symphonia Part 4

  1. Simgaroop

    I’ve been an avid reader of this site for almost as long as it has existed, so I’m thrilled to read more recaps from you. Thank you for the laughs (and I hope your blood pressure is doing all right after dealing with Lloyd’s idiocy for so long!)

    I’m currently playing the “sequel” of this game for the Wii. I don’t know if you’ve played it or not, but let me tell you that the characters are still as dumb as they are in the original (and the repetition and constant referencing of past events is even *worse*!)

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