Chrono Series

Chrono Cross

The much anticipated sequel to Chrono Trigger brought us seven times as many characters with one-seventh of the personalities of the originals, as well as a horrendously complicated plotline. Join me as I try to make sense of it all -- and fail miserably.

Last part posted: Part 9 on 05.26.09 by Jeanne

Chrono Trigger

Crono is a young man who just wants to live in peace and harmony with nature, slaughtering everything he sees with his SHINY SHINY sword. Unfortunately for him, he meets a young girl at the fair who happens to be a princess, and devotes the rest of his life to catering to her every whim. Throw in a crazed genius with a time machine, and much time travel-related trouble ensues. Somewhere along the line, the world gets saved. Go figure.

Last part posted: Part 6 on 08.01.11 by Ryan