Suikoden Part 12

FINALLY!!!!!! Seriously, this recap draft has been sitting on my hard drive for a year and a half. But here you go: Suikoden Part 12. As of this writing, all five of the most recent recaps are from within the last month, give or take a day. That’s a serious achievement, and it’s mostly thanks to Sam’s crazy recapping streak. Hooray!

Now, time to go recap some gay lawyers…

5 thoughts on “Suikoden Part 12

  1. Keelorzilla

    Pardon me while I collect my jaw from the floor… I think you guys just broke a record or something.

    That said, thank you all!!

  2. Aja

    I had to create an account just to say: I love you guys. ?

    So happy to see all these new recaps. They invariably make me giggle (indeed, like a 12-year-old) all the way through. Thank you for your dedication!

    P.S. I am totally feeling Twink’s (imminent) pain in OoT. Sheik had me fooled, too.

  3. Ben

    Yay, Suikoden! Definitely worth the wait – you perfectly summed up the ridiculousness of the time travel scenes, and I continue to love the entertaining fictional backstories for all the minor Stars of Destiny. Hee, “Fuckien”.

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